Section 1: WHAT IS LAW?
Define the term law. Explain several reasons for having laws. Examine several strange laws still in effect in various states. Simulate the chaos that having no laws can cause. Objectives:
American Law has its roots in English Common Law, Roman Law and Christianity I. Origin of American Law
Best preserved legal document Created by Babylonian ruler, Hammurabi Created so all men would A. Code of Hammurabi
know what was required of them There is no #13 Law because they believed the number was evil and unlucky. A. continued
The Book of Exodus tells how God inscribed the Ten Commandments on two stone tablets and gave to Moses at Mt. Sinai B. Ten Commandments
B. continued
Placed law on practical, structured footing Created to organize civilization Served basis for later legal systems throughout Europe, except England C. Roman Law
Made by judges who apply their common sense and knowledge of legal precedence to the facts before them. Prevalent everywhere in the U.S. except Louisiana. D. English Common Law
Rules and regulations made and enforced by government. Regulates the conduct of people within a society II. Law Defined
Study of law & legal philosophy Helps define law A. Jurisprudence
Govt. made laws affect every aspect of daily life Without laws, there would be confusion and disorder B. Law & Society
Laws are influenced by society’s ideas of right & wrong. Laws reflect & promote society’s values Can be based on moral, economic, political or social values III. Law & Values
Deal with the questions of right or wrong A. Moral Values
Deal with accumulation, preservation, use & distribution of wealth Ex. Homebuyer tax credit and shoplifting laws B. Economic Values
Reflect the relationship between govt. & individuals Laws making it easier to vote promote citizen participation C. Political Values
Concerned with issues that are important to society. D. Social Values
For a law to be fully effective, it must be fair & enforceable. There is a limit to what laws can be reasonably expected to do. IV. Limits of the Law
A democratic system of govt. cannot function effectively unless its laws are respected. Society must be based on the “rule of law.” No one is above the law; all have to obey the law V. Law & Human Rights
Rights that each of us possess as human beings Political, Social, Economic and Environmental A. Human Rights
Include freedoms of speech, religion, press and the right to participate in govt. 1. Political Rights
Rights to adequate education, food, housing and healthcare 2. Social Rights
Right to hold a job w/fair & safe working conditions Right to own property 3. Economic Rights
Right to live in a clean & safe environment 4. Environmental Rights
To protect human rights, the U.S. has signed a number of international documents Constitutions Declaration of Rights B. Human Rights Protection
“With every right there goes a responsibility” C. Balancing Rights w/Responsibilities
Rights don’t automatically make for rightness Self-centered focus & loss of a sense of community Radical individualism 1. About Rights
Many laws require citizens to act responsibly Ex. Parents must provide their children with basic needs, Drivers must obey traffic laws, etc. 2. Responsibility