The Bible indicates that there are over 100 thousand angels. There are over 100 million angels.
According to the Bible, angels live to be about 200 years old. Angels do not die.
The Bible teaches that all angels look the same. There is a variety of species of angels that all look very different
When we die, we become angels. We were created human and will continue to be human when we die.
In the Old Testament, when we read “THE ANGEL OF THE LORD,” it is referring to an appearance by Michael the Archangel. “The Angel of the Lord” is an appearance by Jesus Christ.
Demons are beings that were created by Satan. Demons are angels that were created by God but rejected Him.
Demons have unlimited power. Demons have only limited power.
Satan and his demons will forever torment mankind. Satan and his demons will one day be destroyed.
God's people should be afraid of demons and what they can do to us. God’s people should not be afraid because demons have no power over followers of Christ.
A Ouji board is nothing but a silly board game. A Ouji board is a potential doorway for demonic activity.
Pharaoh let God’s people go after 5 plagues. After 10 plagues.
One of the plagues on Egypt was flying monkeys. water to blood, frogs, gnats, flies, locusts, boils, livestock, hail, darkness, death
The first plague brought upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians was frogs. Nile River became Blood
The last plague brought upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians was locusts. Death of every firstborn son.
Fun with Idioms
cat got your tongue
put a sock in it
when pigs fly
on pins and needles
a piece of cake
slap on the wrist
all in the same boat
an arm and a leg
the writing’s on the wall
Daniel Ch. 5 The Writing’s on the Wall 600 B.C.
delivered from slavery and left Egypt settled in the promised land became a nation (Israel) with Kings After some 120 years, civil war southern kingdom [Judah] northern kingdom [Israel] northern kingdom conquered by Assyrians southern kingdom conquered by Babylonians
Two Main Dudes King Belshazzar Daniel the Prophet
Mene Tekel Parsin
Mene Mene Tekel Parsin
Your days are numbered You have failed the test Your kingdom has been divided
The Writing’s on the Wall
You treat with contempt the living God who holds your entire life from birth to death in his hand.
Contempt means: lack of respect along with intense feelings of dislike
James 4:6 God opposes everyone who is proud...
Proverbs 15:33 says: Showing respect to the LORD will make you wise, and being humble will bring honor to you.
Scary, Gross, and Weird Stuff Did you think this story was more scary, weird, or gross? Why? Have you ever shown contempt for God – even though you may not have realized it at the time? When and How? What is one new thing you learned from this lesson today? How do you think God was feeling when King Belshazzar used items from the holy temple for his party? Why? Why do you think God used a mysterious hand writing on a wall to get King Belshazzar’s attention? Why didn’t he choose some other way? Can you remember the verse? Proverbs 15:33 Showing ________ to the LORD will make you _______, and being ________ will bring ________ to you.