It’s not just about college information !!!
This weekly event can provide you with up to date information regarding: Resources, networking tools and other opportunities.
Go to a community college Go directly to work Attend a vocational/technical school Go to a four year university Transfer to a university from a community college Join the military Do an apprenticeship to be a plumber or an electrician, etc.
Work smarter & not harder. Be proactive for your future educational and career goals. Remember... there are other individuals looking for the same opportunities you are and the competition can be tough! Find out what you can do now to be more competitive.
Do community/volunteer service-this always looks good! Learn what colleges look for in potential students. Learn how to fill out a college application and do a personal statement. Do a BRAG SHEET and keep it updated. Find out what the “Do’s and Don’ts” are when filling out a job application.
What about scholarships???? Learn about different colleges How to create a cool ACADEMIC RESUME Learn about job opportunities and what the employers are looking for Understand the interview process for jobs and scholarships
Your life is a blank canvas... You are the artist... What picture will you paint as your future career’s “Master Piece???”
When: Every Thursday Where: Library Time: Lunch This is open to all students! See you then!