Tyler Anglin
Phips was born on February 2, 1651 in Woolich Maine. Phips died on February 18, 1651.
Phips was born in Woolich, Maine which was a remote trading village. Phips was the youngest of a family of fourteen children. Phips father died when he was six, and his mother remarried.
Phips’s father co-owned and operated a trading post plantation where they traded fur and weapons between Wabanski Indians and English Settlers. It is said that Phips knew his wife, Mary Spencer Hull, before they married because her father and his father did business together.
Phips did not have much education. It wasn’t until I decided to walk to Boston that I received any type of education. When I moved to Boston, I received a four year apprenticeship as a ship carpenter.
Phips became a sea captain and traveled to London in 1683 looking for somebody to sponsor and fund us to go treasure hunting among sunken Spanish ships. When I became funded, he sailed to the Caribbean where he came across a sunken ship named Conception. Phips took 210,000 pounds of English treasure. He profited 11,000 and became very wealthy. After Phips made the discovery, he was knighted and became provost marshal general at Boston.
Phips became good friends with the president of Harvard, Increase Mather. I supported Mather in the fight against Sir Edmund Andros for the restoring of the Charter Government. Phips led the expedition that took Port Royal but he failed to take Quebec and Montreal. Phips was made Royal governor of Massachusetts. He took office in 1692.
It does not say much about Phips’s religion but it says that he might have went to Cotton Mathers service in his church.
Phips arrived in Salem 2 months into the witch trials. Phips appointed a commission to try those accused of witchcraft. The commission used spectral evidence to try those accused. Phips ended up permentatly shutting down the Court of Oyer and Terminer due to both political and personal reasons. It is said that Phips’s wife was accused of witchcraft which is why he shut down the trials.
Dignan, Brendan. "Governor, Sir William Phips." Salem Witch Trials Documentary Archive and Transcription Project. Benjamin Ray and The University of Virginia, Web. 7 Nov Landry, Peter. "BluPete." Sir William Phips. N.p., Web. 7 Nov Linder, Douglas O. "Sir William Phips." The Salem Witchcraft Trials N.p., Sept Web. 7 Nov