Seattle, WA, USA21.3.2007 Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition: Reviewing the Strategic Plan Semi-annual Membership Meeting London, 27-28 April 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Seattle, WA, USA Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition: Reviewing the Strategic Plan Semi-annual Membership Meeting London, April 2007

London Membership Meeting Development Process  Task Force developed framework  Draft prepared/Task Force revised  Reviewed by Executive Committee  Reviewed by Working Groups  Revised  Endorsed by Executive Committee Dec 2006 Jan 2007 Feb 2007 March 2007 April 2007

London Membership Meeting  Clarify vision of the Coalition  Bridge Working Group plans and vision  Focus on results  Provide basis for tracking progress  Link present and proposed Coalition activities to goals/objectives Purpose

London Membership Meeting  The Paris Declaration of 2005  ICPD Programme of Action  MDGs  Past experience with RH supplies, development assistance, RHSC, SPARCHS  GAVI Strategic Plan Key Resources

London Membership Meeting  Forum for technical collaboration and problem- solving  Brain trust of expertise and experience  Coordination to assure better use of existing resources  Change agent by generating unity of purpose  Leveraging of and advocacy for more resources  Promotion and support of innovation Value Added of the Coalition

London Membership Meeting  Increase the availability, predictability and sustainability of financing for RH supplies  Strengthen the capacity of health systems to deliver RH supplies in a sustainable manner  Assure the added value of the Coalition as a productive and sustainable global partnership through support for efficiency, advocacy and innovation Strategic Framework: Vision and Goals Every person in developing countries has sustained access to an affordable choice of quality reproductive health supplies, in order to ensure better reproductive health for women and men.

London Membership Meeting  Equity  Product choice/options  Gender  Country ownership Guiding Principles

London Membership Meeting  The Coalition relies on member contributions and mutual accountability  Serves as a forum and convener  Ultimate beneficiaries are women, men, and their families; stakeholders are key actors in RH supplies  Is not the only actor in RH supplies  RH commodity security optimally serves “total market”  Adheres to key principles of Paris Declaration  RH supplies critical but not sufficient Operational Assumptions

London Membership Meeting  Mobilize public sector/household resources at country level  Expand use of new sources/mechanisms of funding  Strengthen support from other global efforts  Expand global resources for RH supplies Goal 1 and Focus Areas Increase availability, predictability, and sustainability of financing for RH supplies

London Membership Meeting  Strengthen RH supply chain management in developing countries  Provide safety net for Countries at Risk  Support provision of RH supplies to people in countries suffering from conflict, natural disasters, etc. Strengthen capacity of health systems to deliver RH supplies in a sustainable manner Goal 2 and Focus Areas

London Membership Meeting Assure added value of the Coalition as a productive and sustainable global partnership through efficiency, advocacy, and innovation  Serve as forum for collaboration and coordination on RH supplies  Strive for harmonization and efficiency  Serve as global resource and advocate  Promote innovation and use of new knowledge and best practices  Contribute to effective and efficient support systems Goal 3 and Focus Areas

London Membership Meeting  Too ambitious?  How accountable?  How to coordinate across Goals, Focus Areas, and Objectives?  Need to acknowledge sociopolitical context  Need to acknowledge country ownership Feedback Received