Putting yourself out there in cyberspace Understanding and dealing with problematic interpersonal situations
What this talk ISN’T about… legal issues technical issues
What you and I are doing in cyberspace…
Some examples of my problematic situations The Vision Quest as theft? The astronaut plot The gender-bender dilemma Gay probabilities
Some Basic Psychological Processes Displacement Projection Transference Dissociation (to help us understand problematic people)
The Online Disinhibition Effect You don’t know me (dissociative anonymity) We can’t see each other (absence of feedback cues) See you later (asynchronicity) It’s all in my head (solipsistic introjection) It’s just a game (dissociative imagination) We’re equals (minimizing authority)
Problematic Personality Types narcissistic passive-aggressive paranoid histrionic sociopathic the borderline personality Griefers, trolls, and SNERTS
Suler’s Top 10 list of Helpful Reminders 10. Beware of black hole experiences 9. Beware of perceived privacy 8. Beware of sarcasm 7. Beware of cut-and-paste realities 6. Sleep on it 5. Get objective consultation 4. You don’t have to respond (and maybe you shouldn’t) 3. Chose your words carefully, thoughtfully, concisely 2. Assume good will 1. If you can’t stand the heat…
Cultural Pessimism The role of the media Luddites and other skeptics
What it is is what you make it.