Informal Business Proposal Team 7: Jamie Bendure Brandon Center Nick Colarossi John Quisenberry Jonathan Villarruel
The social issue
Batteries contain toxic chemicals that are harmful to the environment Many of these chemicals are linked to cancer Most batteries are thrown in the trash instead of being properly recycled In landfills, they pose a threat to humans and animals
Our proposal Target the math and science classrooms of a single Dallas area middle school. For our first run at this proposal we are choosing to do a single middle school, instead of a high school to educate kids at an early phase about saving energy and prepare them for high school. Replace alkaline batteries in all classroom calculators with rechargeable batteries. Provide a recharge dock in each classroom Educate the classes about electronic waste and recycling
Texas Instruments® TI-Nspire CX Graphing Calculator
Classroom Education
The Costs Annual savings: $ 17,920
The Costs 5 Year Savings: $89,460
Authorization Request We are asking the Chamber of Commerce for a sum of $6,540, by April 30 th, These funds will cover the cost of 1600 batteries and 20 charging stations to be set up in John B. Hood Middle School.
The Benefits cost waste awareness $19,200 - $1,280 = $17,920 64,000-1,600 = 62,400 batteries education program
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