Dr. Janet Sio 邵婉瑜 IELTS Preparatory Course: Listening and Spoken English Fujian Normal University 教学相长 Students and Teachers Learn Together
Course Goals Preparation for the spoken portion of the IELTS examination : Part 1: identification of examiner and candidate, introduction of the test, questions about the home or occupation of the candidate, questions about 2 topics related to life of candidate (4 to 5 minutes) Part 2: 1 minute of preparation followed by extended speech (1 to 2 minutes) by the candidate related to their life (3 to 4 minutes total) Part 3: a structured conversation with increasingly abstract topics (4 to 5 minutes)
Homework: Name and Information Survey Due date: September 17, 23:59
Open and Closed Questions ClosedOpenImplied Open Do/Did/Does Is/Are Has/Have Was/Were Who What (do you think about..) Where Why When How (do you feel about…) Could you/Can you Would you/Will you Tell me about…
Practice 1) Are you Chinese? (Where are you from?) 2)Do you like playing majiang? 3)Were you born in Fujian? 4) Have you traveled to other countries? 5) When were you born? 6) Why did you come to this class? 7) Do you like China? 8) What food is good to eat in Fujian? 9) Is English an important school subject for you?
BASIC “RULES” Ask questions when you don’t understand. Be on time. Come to as many classes as you can. English should be used as much as possible, both in and out of the classroom.
Grading Breakdown Attendance and Participation (20%) 3 Speeches with written preparation (45%) Final Exam (35%)
Semester Plan Spoken topics to be determined by class survey (with guidance from instructor) Pronunciation practice- Jazz Chants, Story reading, Tongue Twisters Listening practice through cloze and practical case studies and problem solving Test run of IELTS examination
First Assignment Due Date: October 9, 2012 ( first Tuesday after National Holiday) Write a speech about “I am…..” which will last about 1-2 minutes in length. Vocabulary will be explored over the next few weeks. Listen and see instructor’s example for guidance.