Extreme Weather A Webquest Champlain School Grade 5/6
Introduction Extreme weather conditions such as tornadoes and hurricanes can be very fearful events. However, safety measures can ensure that you and your family are protected. What are these extreme conditions and how can we make sure we are safe?
The Task You will research an extreme weather event using the links provided on the next page. You will than use your research to create an information flip book. This flip book will include: 1. The characteristics of the extreme weather event. 2. What causes this type of weather to occur. 3. At least four statistics or facts related to the extreme weather event. 4. At least five safety tips for the weather event. 5. A paragraph about the importance of taking the safety precautions.
HurricanesTornadoesBlizzards Thunderstorm s FEMA For Kids FEMA For Kids FEMA For Kids FEMA For Kids Canadian Hurricane Centre Tornado Projectroject Blizzard Attack Weather Wiz Kids Web Weather for Kids Web Weather For Kids Web Weather For Kids Web Weather For Kids Sky Diary Storm Encyclopedia Sky Diary Hurricane Safety Tips Tornado Safety Blizzards Kids Lightning Information and Safety Weather Watch Weather Watch Weather Watch T hunderstorms
Task Does Not Meet Expectations Almost Meets Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations 1.A description of the weather event Little or no information about an event. Some information about event. Enough information is present to let the reader have a general overview. Reader has a complete understanding of the weather event. 2. Statistics/facts related to the weather event Little or no statistical information. Some statistical information. Four facts/statistics about the weather event. Five or more facts/statistics about the weather event. 3. At least five safety tips for preparing for the weather event One or two safety tips are provided. Four safety tips are provided. Five safety tips are provided. More than five safety tips are provided. 4. A paragraph stating the importance of taking safety precautions One reason about the importance of taking safety precautions. Two reasons about the importance of taking safety precautions. Three reasons about the importance of taking safety precautions. Four or more reasons about the importance of taking safety precautions. 5. The flip book is neat as well as informative Flip book is messy. No colour or pictures were added. Attempt at neatness. Some colour or pictures were added. Flip book is neat and colourful. Colour and pictures help make your flip book fun to read. Flip book is neat and colourful. Colour and picture choices enhance your flip book!
Conclusion Be prepared to share your flip book with your classmates. Your information should help your classmates to know what to do if they are ever stuck in this weather event.