Part 2: Benefits of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Classrooms BY: JENNIFER CHUMA
Student 1: The Basics Age: 8 Grade: 3 rd Gender: Female Home Language: Spanish Socioeconomic Status: From a low income home
Student 1: Academic Challenges – Part 1 Student 1 is in third grade, but came to me this year reading a level B when I assessed her, which is a kindergarten reading level. Since she is severely below grade level, I began working with her immediately in a one-on-one setting during my guided reading group time. I also began progress monitoring her on a weekly basis and sought out assistance to get her placed on the docket to possibly receive additional services. Although language is part of the problem, I do not believe it is the whole problem.
Student 1: Academic Challenges – Part 2 Another academic challenge that Student 1 faces is a lack of parental guidance. Student 1’s family comes to every single event that we host at our school. They also come to every parent teacher conference. I expressed my concerns at parent teacher conferences in October, and her older sister who takes care of her quite a bit shed some light on how things are at home. At home, Student 1 is not required to read or do homework. Her sister stated that they always try to get her to do her work, but she will cry and a pitch a fit, so they stopped making her. This lack of parental guidance is keeping Student 1 further behind because she needs to be reading and reinforcing skills at home.
Student 1: Funds of Knowledge Student 1 is able to speak in English and Spanish. She comes from a large family and has many siblings. Her sister, who has a little boy of her own, takes care of her most. Student 1 especially enjoys taking care of her nephew. She knows how to feed him, change diapers, and keep him entertained. She understands school expectations and always follows our school and classroom rules. She struggles with academic vocabulary and third grade content because she is academically so far behind.
“The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) focus on results and do not define how ELLs will meet their academic expectations” (Boyd- Batstone, 2013).
Student 1: Challenge #1 One challenge that Student 1 faces is that she is on a kindergarten reading level. Because of this, she is unable to meet the demands of the third grade CCSS. Backing up to kindergarten and first grade expectations helps to ensure that she is making gains. It also helps as I try to fill in the gaps in her academic knowledge.
“ ” “But, if the test is assessing their ability to read and respond to literature, make inferences and think critically — how can they prove proficiency if they are in the beginning stages of English? How do we capture what they know, and what they’re capable of and how far they’ve come?” (Ramirez, 2015).
Student 1: Challenge #2 Another challenge Student 1 faces is the demands of testing. The state of Tennessee is introducing a new standardized test this year called TN Ready. This test will assess students solely on a computer in the areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Social Studies. The state requires us to practice on this new online format one day per week, so Friday’s are devoted to test practice. This student is already struggling with the demands of testing. She is so far below grade level, so she is unable to read, understand, and answer questions. Because she does not yet have a diagnosed learning disability, she is not allowed to receive the “text-to-speech” (read aloud) function.
Student 1: Summary Although Student 1 is struggling in third grade, I will not let her down. I will continue to advocate for her so that she can receive extra services to help her succeed academically.
References Boyd-Batstone, P. (2013). Five Strategies to Help Beginning ELLs Meet the Common Core. California Reader, 47(1), Ramirez, M. (2015, June 16). For teachers of English learners, Common Core means double the work. Retrieved from teachers-of-english-learners-common-core-means-double-the-work/