Ergonomics Presentation Prashanth Ketheeswaran
“The study of people’s efficiency in their working environment.”
Ergonomics is important to promote a safe, secure environment to promote people’s health. Ergonomics is especially important in the production of materials attaining to computer use. This is because while working with a computer for extended periods of time the body will feel pain in certain areas. By producing ergonomically designed utensils this problem is solved.
Wrist Related Pain Back Pain (sitting in one position for prolonged period) Discomfort in Shoulders Trouble Seeing Pain in Lower Body Neck Pain
Signs/Causes of Issue: Wrists bent to the sides when using side keys, prolonged keying and prolonged mouse use. Solutions/Remedies: Use a soft rest support for the keyboard as well as the mouse pad. This will raise the wrist and leave it in a more comfortable position.
Signs/Causes of Issue: Prolonged sitting (especially in one position), prolonged leaning. Solutions/Remedies: Rearrange work, bring mouse and keyboard closer to body, readjust monitor, greater work variety, breaks and habit training.
Signs/Causes of Issue: Prolonged hunching or leaning, prolonged sitting in one position and frequent reaching for items. Solutions/Remedies: Bring items closer, take breaks, stretching and rearranging workspace to better accommodate your needs.
Signs/Causes of Issue: Monitor image dim, fuzzy, or difficult to read, eye straining and blurry visions. Solutions/Remedies: Consultation with vision specialist, lower light levels, readjust monitor and upgrading the monitor.
Signs/Causes of Issue: Prolonged sitting in one position, feet dangling or not well supported, sustained pressure on thighs. Solutions/Remedies: Foot rest, lower chair, lower work surface, habit training, chair that supports posture.
Signs/Causes of Issue: Prolonged hunching, twisting the head often, neck flexed downward. Solutions/Remedies: Bring viewed item closer to centreline of view, telephone headset, speakerphone and massaging.
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