#WeAreSciencesPoRennes Welcome to Sciences Po Rennes!
25 years of excellence Created in 1991, the Rennes Institute of Political Studies is part of the « Sciences Po » group. #WeAreSciencesPoRennes
Challenging multidisciplinay studies Providing students with the finest cultural and academic background. Enabling them to understand the most important contemporary issues. Giving access to a wide range of careers. #WeAreSciencesPoRennes
A student-centered learning environment ● 1,300 students ● Small group classes of 20 students ● 40 tenured teachers ● Technical and administrative staff (40 persons) ● 300 guest lecturers #WeAreSciencesPoRennes
Studying at Sciences Po Rennes Highly competitive entrance exam State-run higher education institute Delivering Master’s Degrees in various academic and professional fields (5 years) A Centre for Research on Political Action in Europe affiliated to the French National Research Council (CNRS) #WeAreSciencesPoRennes
From 101 courses to specialization First and second years devoted to 101 courses Third year spent abroad (internships or academic studies with partner universities) Fourth and fifth years devoted to job-oriented training in the fields of : - International European Affairs - Strategic Management of Organizations - Territorial Governance - Public Governance (preparing to entrance exam to ENA French National School of Administration) - Journalism and the Media - Sustainable Development #WeAreSciencesPoRennes
Student life A community of 30 vibrant student associations (sports, fair trade, UN negociation simulation games, Women’s rights, student-driven magazine…) The « Zéphyr » student association helps foreign students with administrative requirements and integrate socially Student associations organize lectures and debates with major French politicians, analysts and researchers: Former President Nicolas Sarkozy, Prime Minister Manuel Walls, Secretary for Justice Christiane Taubira, House-Speaker Jean-Louis Debré… #WeAreSciencesPoRennes
A prime location In the capital of Brittany with a historic and artistic legacy Two-hour train ride from Paris The largest university town in western France (64,000 students) A network of local and national « Grandes Ecoles » with common values: multidisciplinarity, international exchanges and skill-based training #WeAreSciencesPoRennes