Insurance & Health Reporting Travel
ASPE Insurance For all Fulbright grantees ASPE brochure Customer service, claim forms, etc. Filing a claim: in addition to the instructions given in the claim forms we recommend you to attach a copy of your insurance card; keep a copy of your insurance claim documents; contact FC in case of delays. Valid for the grant period in Finland only Includes FC or CIES approved Fulbright-related travel abroad Keep FC informed so we can update your record Additional coverage needed for travel outside Finland
Health Services in Finland Both public and private clinics (find out about the ones near you) With ASPE, you can use both Check with your host institution which private health provider they use for their staff Terveystalo, Mehiläinen, Diacor... Remember to ask for documentation in English! Private doctors may make a referral to the public hospital system for treatment
Reporting We like to hear from you! Fulbright Center News, FC website... Final reports from all scholars and teachers for FC Also separately for IIE/CIES Additional mid-term report from full-year or Flex grantees Instructions and forms will be ed to you by your program coordinator Inform us on changes in contact information all travel additional income