Third Grade Animal Research Project Predator vs. Prey
by Gail Hayenga Talia Jones Michelle Larson Lara Lyles
Project Overview Designed a website which will allow students to work alone or in groups Audience is third-grade students at all educational levels Content adheres to state standards for third-grade Science Classroom teacher acts as a facilitator rather than direct instructor regarding content Upon completion of the unit, students successfully complete all stated objectives
Learning Goals Learning Goal A: Learners will recognize animal interactions
Learning Goals Learning Goal A: Learners will recognize animal interactions Learning Goal B: Students will classify organisms
Learning Goals Learning Goal A: Learners will recognize animal interactions. Learning Goal B: Students will classify organisms. Learning Goal C: Students will identify food chain.
Week/Module Topic Module 1 Topic: Animal Relationships Module 2 Topic: Food Chain/Web works Module 3 Topic: Animal Classifications
Module 1 Topic: Animal Relationships Example Activity
Third Grade Animal Science Website Access to website in and outside of the classroom Allows for self-paced instruction Collaborative opportunities for students regardless of educational level
Rationale for Instructional Strategies for Activities Worksheets –Provide visual representations of concepts –Evaluation of knowledge retention Youtube Videos –Present information through multi-media –Capture student interest –Allow for visual literacy learners to grasp concepts Art Activities –Allows for interactive and collaborative learning –Presents content in a visual medium
Evaluation Module 1 Formative Evaluation –Poster project –Worksheets Summative Evaluation –Written quiz