2 Context of the Strategic plan The department’s strategic plan is premised on the Government’s renewed pledge to foster partnership in the fight against poverty pronounced in the 2007 SONA. To complement SONA, the strategic plan gives expression to the strategic pillars pronounced by the Minister to the Department’s Lekgotla held in November 2006 namely: 1.Transformation and regulation of the construction and property industries to yield economic growth and development 2.Optimise effective strategic asset management over the State property portfolio as well as private sector properties utilised by Government
3 Context (cont.) 3Identify and infuse job creation opportunities in all its programmes. To this end, the department has committed itself to employing 5000 young people under the auspices of the NYS, whilst also ensuring that labour intensive methodologies will be applied in all its building programme in future (where applicable). The department is also piloting an LED project in Uitenhage – the results of which are yet to be established 4Fostering relationships with sector entities and other stakeholders towards the realisation of the department’s mandate 5Maintenance of sound relations with Parliamentary structures and other Government spheres.
4 Situation Analysis In reflecting on its mandate, the department sees itself as: The “handy man” of the State The leader of the EPWP The regulator of the industries and associated professions falling under its jurisdiction The asset manager for and on behalf of the State These will now be discussed in turn: DPW AS THE “HANDY MAN” OF THE STATE The department is acutely aware and committed to ensuring that its accommodation provisioning function meets its clients’ operational, technical and social needs. In recognition of this imperative as well as the observation of the poor
5 DPW as the" Handy Man of the State” (CONT.) state in which public assets are in, the department developed a National Infrastructure Maintenance Strategy (NIMS) that was approved by Cabinet in July The vision of NIMS is that infrastructure is adequately maintained and operated, resulting in sustained service delivery, growth and employment creation, thus contributing to the goals of ASGISA and the EPWP. NIMS is founded around four thrusts namely: 1. Strengthening the regulatory framework governing planning and budgeting for infrastructure maintenance 2.Assisting institutions with non-financial resources 3.Developing the maintenance strategy
6 DPW as the “ Handy Man” of the State (cont.) 4Strengthening monitoring, evaluation and reporting and feeding this into a process of continuous improvement This strategy gives substance to PFMA Act, which places an obligation on accounting officers “for the management of the assets of the entity, including the safeguarding and maintenance of those assets”. The department has since established an Intergovernmental Implementation Steering Committee lead by the Minister to develop an implementation plan of NIMS.
7 DPW as the Handy Man of the State Focus on the improvement of service delivery efforts to clients through Zimisele Build the capacity of the department for the implementation of the EPWP and NYS on the implementation of the building programme
8 DPW as the “THE LEADER" of the EPWP The department derives its mandate from the President’s call following the Cabinet Lekgotla held in July 2006, the mandate which includes the eradication of poverty, unemployment and underdevelopment. To this end, the department has established critical strategic with the three spheres of government, SOE’s and the private sector. As would be revealed, in the discussion of the budget, the department has increased its staff in EPWP to capacitate it for the leadership role it has to play. The following programmes will be implemented, monitored and evaluated in the medium term: 1.Expand beneficiary training 2.Enhance internal EPWP capacity
9 DPW as the leader of EPWP (CONT.) 3Enhance Provincial and Municipal EPWP delivery capacity 4Enhance performance of the Environmental Sector 5Clarify on-going role of the EPWP In line with the President’s call, the department in collaboration with DoL and UYF through its EPWP unit will be employing 5000 young people in its building maintenance programme in the 2007/08 financial year under the NYS. A similar roll-out programme will be implemented by the Provincial Public Works. The department will further implement its building programme using EPWP methodology. Projects amounting to R2.9 billion have already been identified for implementation as from 2007/0.8 financial year
10 DPW as the REGULATOR The department continues to provide strategic direction for sustainable growth, transformation and development of the construction sector in partnership with its sector entities. The construction sector charter has recently been gazetted by the dti and the process of establishing the Construction Sector Council is currently underway The department through the CIDB is implementing the national contractor development programme in line with the CIDB Act. The department initiated a review of the CIDB in January 2007, and it is hoped that that the results of the Review Panel will assist in identifying the focus areas that will ensure that DPW, through CIDB achieves the objectives of the CIDB Act.
11 DPW as the REGULATOR (CONT.) In recognition of its responsibility of ensuring that there is constant supply of adequate built environment resources, the department will: 1.Enter into a bilateral agreement with the Cuban Government in May 2007, to source built environment professionals from Cuba to be deployed in the various spheres of Government. 2.working with entities, the Department will develop a comprehensive skills development strategy for the industry. 3.Explore effective ways of engaging the institutions of higher learning to ensuring the constant supply of adequate suitably qualified built environment professionals / practitioners in future. 4.continue with the implementation of the existing skills development initiatives in the form of 2014 Youth Foundation
12 DPW as the REGULATOR In line with our key strategic pillars, the department will focus on the transformation of the property sector in the forthcoming months to deal amongst others with the deracialisation of this important sector in the country’s economy Extension of GIAMA: The focus in the medium term will be assisting provincial and national departments in the understanding and implementation of GIAMA. The department will continue engagement with dplg and SALGA to bring local government on board.
13 DPW as the Asset Manager Asset Management ensures that immovable property owned and/or utilised by the State for delivering various government services yield functional, economic and social benefits to the State The department will as asset manager for the State: 1.ensure effective and efficient management of government’s immovable assets. 2.implement GIAMA once promulgated 3.Develop norms, standards and toolkits for proper management of immovable assets. The property performance standards will enhance the optimal performance of state owned and leased properties through determination of the minimum requirements in relation to cost and space as well as ensuring that the true cost of assets are
14 Other Strategic Issues The department has in the past fully spent its budget - this trend will continue in the future. The department had been successful in turning around its financial management challenges and this trend will continue for both the department and its newly established Trading Entity that will be reporting for the first time in the 2006/07 financial year. In line with the Minister’s mandate, the department will constantly play its oversight over its sector entities to ensure that their legislative mandates are fulfilled whilst also providing its guidance under applicable circumstances as well as discharging its reporting and related functions to Parliament and its Committees.
15 Other Strategic Issues (cont.) Enhance skills development through internships, learnerships and external bursary programme focusing on the built environment professions Reduce the vacancy rate in the department’s establishment As far as practically possible, unbundle the building programme projects to advance BEE procurement objectives
16 Key Policy Developments affecting the Budget Refinement of Budget Devolution and introduction of accommodation charges that commenced in 2006/07 financial year GIAMA – more systematic planning and prioritisation of Building programme budgeting Implementation of the National Infrastructure Maintenance Strategy Envisaged devolution of Property Municipal Rates to the Provinces has been delayed. It is however, envisaged that this process will be finalised in the 2008/09 financial year.
17 Funding arrangements after devolution DPW Client departments, including DPW Devolved budgets: leases, maintenance, municipal rates and services Accommodation charges based on areas occupied Treasury Accommodation budget per department DPW vote Trading entity Treasury Quarterly invoices, MOU
18 DPW Budget Vote Allocation for 2007/08 - Vote allocation for the 2007/08: R Increase of R compared to 2006/07 financial year - Breakdown per programme: Programme 1 (Administration) : R Programme 2 (Land and buildings) : R Programme 3 (NPWP Policy and EPWP): R Programme 4 (Auxilliary): R
19 Analysis of DPW Vote Allocation by Standard Items (after devolution) (R’000) Expenditure Item 2006/ /08 Personnel Budget (Refer Table 6.B) R R Administration R R Accommodation charge* R R Trading Entity Transfer* R R Capital Works Budget (Table 6.E) R R Municipal Rates/Provincial Properties R R EPWP R R Facilities Management* R R Transfer Payments to CIDB (Table 6.8) R R Transfer Payments to CBE (Table 6.9) R R Transfer Payment to Agreeme’nt Board R R8 468 Auxiliary Services R R TOTAL R R *Funds to transferred to the PMTE *ds to be transferred to Trading Entity
20 PMTE estimates of revenue: 2007/08 DETAILSAMOUNT RECEIPTSR’000 Accommodation Charges (State- owned) Leasing (Private Sector Landlords) Municipal services management fees Transfers Received Total Received
21 DETAILSAMOUNT PAYMENTSR’000 Leasing (Private Sector Landlords) Maintenance & Major Refurbishments Rates on State Property Total Payments PMTE estimates of expenditure: 2007/08
22 Reflections on the Budget Allocations Over the next financial year, there has been a notable improvement in the baseline allocation on the following items, details of which are set out in the Vote: –Personnel Budget increased by R90M - The increase will mainly fund the additional staff to be recruited to drive the EPWP objectives as well as the appointment of Interns and Learnership candidates –Capital Works Budget increased by R305M – the bulk of which as explained in Table 6.E will be used to fund the following projects: 1.Prestige Projects amounting to R135M 2.Dolomite Risk Management amounting to R132M 3.Ports of Entry Projects amounting to R268M 4.Government Head Office Projects amounting to R116M Provincial Property Rates budget increased by R126M - The increase is meant to address the arrears that get identified as part of the on-going improvement initiatives with the Local Government’s sphere
23 Reflections on the Budget (cont.) –Maintenance and Rates charges for the National Property Portfolio increased by R478M – the breakdown of which is as follows: 1.Property Rates to Municipalities: R70M 2.Maintenance Budget increased by R408M this amount is not reflected on the Department’s allocation as it represents the amount devolved to client departments to be reimbursed to the department in return for services rendered