Aim: To begin to become familiar with the Common Core English Regents format. Do Now: Do you know when you’ll be taking the English Regents? Do you know how many parts there are and what you have to do?
We start training! Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at 12PM Part 1 – Reading Comprehension Part 2 – Argument Part 3 – Text-Based Response
Vocabulary – Quiz on Monday 11/9 Central idea Figurative language Convey Illustrate Exemplify Text-based response Establish your claim Distinguish your claim Alternate Develop Clarify Emphasize Homework: Look up these words and phrases and have understandable definitions ready by tomorrow.
Phase I – Reading Comprehension Look up vocabulary. Highlight important phrases. Gather what you know and leave what you don’t know. Summarize in the margins. How do we comprehend difficult reading passages? Remember: You never know nothing! You always know something!
Vocabulary, Highlight, Gather, Summarize! Wee, sleekit, cowrin, tim'rous beastie, O, what a panic's in thy breastie! Thou need na start awa sae hasty Wi bickering brattle! I wad be laith to rin an' chase thee, Wi' murdering pattle. I'm truly sorry man's dominion Has broken Nature's social union, An' justifies that ill opinion Which makes thee startle At me, thy poor, earth born companion An' fellow mortal! Small, sleek, cowering, timorous beast, O, what a panic is in your breast! You need not start away so hasty With hurrying scamper! I would be loath to run and chase you, With murdering plough-staff. I'm truly sorry man's dominion Has broken Nature's social union, And justifies that ill opinion Which makes thee startle At me, thy poor, earth born companion And fellow mortal! Summary