Lesson No: 2 Introduction to Computer & Microprocessor CHBT- 01 Basic Micro process & Computer Operation
Introduction Computer : Computer is an Electronic Device which can performs Arithmetic and Logical calculation easily. It can stores large amount of Data and easily retrieved whenever needed. GIGO : Garbage In Garbage Out Characteristics : 1.Speed : Very high speed of computer 2.Accuracy :100% Accuracy in its work 3.Storage Capacity: Very large capacity 4.Integrity : No bore during long work 5.All Rounder / Versatility: It can works in any field 6.Graphics : We can make cartoon, design of building, maps etc. very easily.
Applications of Computer 1.Communication 2.Office Automation 3.Education 4.Desk Top Publishing 5.Banking, Hospital, Expert System 6.Automobile 7.Online Reservation System 8.Stock Exchange 9.CAD/CAM Systems
Limitations of Computer 1.Can’t think itself 2.Dangerous to Virus : 3.High Cost of Hardware 4.Extra Expense for s/W 5.Dust free & Air-conditioned Atmosphere 6.Special Expertise ness 7.Education Required
INPUTPROCESSOUTPUT INPUT :To Input Data with Input Device PROCESS : All operations are done, like addition, subtraction or comparison [C.P.U.] OUTPUT : To get the information out with Output Device Working Method
MicroProcessor InputOutput System Bus ROM R/W(RAM) Main Memory Register Array Control ALU
Processor C.P.U. – Central Processing Unit The work carried out on data is a process. It is this processing that converts data into information. The part of the computer that does all the ‘work’, all the ‘thinking’, or all the ‘processing’ is called processor. It contains three main parts. 1.M.U. – Memory Unit The space where computer stores temporary information. It is called main Memory. ALU – Arithmetic & Logical Unit ALU takes care of all the mathematical and logical functions done by the computer. 3.CU – Control Unit This unit controls all the other parts of computer like input, output and processor. Microprocessor Microprocessor is a set of many semi-conductor chip with electronic circuits. It is a programmable logic device. It contains registers.
Processor Register : a very fast unit in a microprocessor is called Register. Register Array of Microprocessor contains following Registers. 1.MAR : Memory Address Register It contains location of memory address, where information is stored. It is used to find program location. 2.MDR : Memory Data Register Data or Information which is read, store, write on memory location,is stored on MDR 3.Accumulator : It is placed on ALU 4. BUS : In Microprocessor, all unit & register uses conductor for information interchange, it is called BUS