Day 60 Scarlet Ibis Discussion INSTRUCTOR: KYLE BRITT
Objectives Discuss literary symbolism in a work of fiction. Discuss Close Reading Homework: 1. Study Vocabulary for Thursday 2. Study Fiction Elements for Test Friday 3. Close Reading Due Wed.
Agenda 1. WARM UP 2. Vocabulary Practice 3. Close Reading Discussion 4. Symbolism 5. Closure
Warm Up List 3 examples of literary symbolism in The Scarlet Ibis. Explain what each example symbolizes.
Vocabulary English I Complete the Antonyms and Synonyms section in your vocabulary books for Unit 7. Once completed, take out your flashcards and study them on your own. Please stay on task.
Vocabulary Honors Start working on flash cards for Unit 12 on your own. Make sure you include all the necessary elements on your cards. Please stay on task.
Fiction Close Reading Week 3 Groups Get into your 4 person groups and take out your reading packets/answer sheets. Remove everything else from your desk. Discuss your answers and come up with a group response. You must have a rationale. If you didn’t turn one in, you must complete the assignment on your own.
Close Reading Week 4 Ethan Fromme Pg. 75 Snake Boy Pg. 79
Group Discussion Scarlet Ibis After you have completed the questions on your own, get into your 4 person groups and discuss your answers. Each person needs to fill out a symbolism chart based on their questions. Use your group to help you fill out the symbol of the Ibis and its relationship to Doodle.
Closure 3, 2, 1 Write 3 things you learned about Symbolism today. Write 2 examples of literary symbolism from The Scarlet Ibis. Write 1 question you still have about literary symbolism.