ETA Environmental Health and Safety Monthly Metrics February, 2016
ETA Accidents- 2/16 TypeDateDiv.DescriptionSeverityStatus No ETA accidents reported in February
ETA Accidents- By Type
ETA Accidents- Severity
ETA Emergency Incidents- 2/16 DateIncidentAreaStatus 2/19/16Strong “garlic” odor through most of building B70Odor investigation could not identify source. Continue to periodically monitor. 2/25/16Broken UV light bulbs inside equipment shipping crate Broken bulbs contain mercury. EHS assisted in removal of broken bulbs. 2/25/16Package of cobalt/lithium/managane se/nickel spilled at shipping/receiving area B69Shipping/receiving worker exposed. Building evacuated. Fire Department response. Follow-up with vendor on shipping practices.
ETA Ergonomic Assessments- By Month
Open ETA Ergonomic Assessments Date Requested Div.TypeStatus 2/2/16EAEIDiscomfortActions Pending 1/21/16EAEIDiscomfortActions Pending
ETA Incomplete Training Assignments *Does not include SEC0203 “External Notification”
Training % Completion Status
Incomplete Training by Course Type (Total Incomplete Assignments = 76 )
Training Assignments Due (Total = 76) Open Assignments by DivisionOpen Assignments by Hire Date
ETA Training Assignments Due
ETA Activity Manager Status (115 Total Work Activities)
ETA “Activity Manager” Assignments ETA Total Personnel- 723
Electrical Equipment Inspection Failure Status (Red Tag) Equipment listed in the EEIP database as “failed” and requires repair prior to use.
ETA Failed “Red Tag” Electrical Equipment Status (3/1/15) BarcodeBuildingRoomEquipment NameResponsible PersonDIV PumpDestaillats, HugoEAEI
Electrical Equipment “Conditionally Accepted” Status (Yellow Tag) Equipment listed in the EEIP database as “Conditionally Accepted” and requires minor repair within 120 days.
ETA “Conditionally Accepted” Electrical Equipment Summary (3/1/16) Bar Code Bldg.RoomEquipmentResponsibleDivDays Power Meter (LBNL Made)DelpEAEI ARefrigerator Test ChamberRosenquistEAEI SanderGoudeyBTUS Drill PressGoudeyBTUS Vertical Milling MachineGoudeyBTUS Precision RollerLiuESDR Stepping MotorTherkelsenBTUS Stepping MotorTherkelsenBTUS Stepping MotorTherkelsenBTUS Power SupplyTherkelsenBTUS Vacuum Pump AssemblyTherkelsenBTUS PumpDestaillatsEAEI Spot WelderTuckerESDR Glove BoxCairnsESDR20
Corrective Action Reports (CATS)- 3/16 CAT #DateDescriptionLeadStatus 98818/31/15Ensure all glove boxes are NRTL approved or EEIP inspected. R. ScholtzSelf-assessment action item ORPS10/21/ pressure reactor explosion incident W. Wells/R. Scholtz/E. Cairns Formal LBNL incident investigation completed. Corrective Actions being developed by EHS.
Audits and Inspection Status- 2/16 TypeDateLeadStatus NFPA 45 Chemical Safety Assessment 5/16DOE/EHSBeing scheduled. EHS performing preliminary checks. Quarterly SAA4/16ScholtzBeing scheduled
Significant Safety Achievements- 2/16 An old sample/chemical clean-out was completed in the lab area. Completed on the furnace enclosure safety improvements. A Work Activity was approved for the new Cyclotron Spark Thermionics project in the lab area. Work involves use of Cesium. Work Activities were developed for: –Parr Reactor use in (collaboration) –Thermal Radiation research in (approved) –ASM-200 Solvent Extraction System in (approved) Safety Alerts were issued for: – Use of propane torches in lab areas. – Use of waste accumulation logs for solvent waste collection cans. Efforts continue in closing out “conditionally approved” and “failed” electrical equipment. Preparations for the Activity Manager self-assessment project have started. Meetings will be held with all ETA Activity Leads. An ETA Safety Committee meeting was held on 2/4/16.
Short Term Safety Outlook 3/16 Complete the Activity Manager Self Assessment project. Start the Nanomaterial Self Assessment project. Annual review and update of the ETA ISM Plan. Ensure lab areas are prepared for the upcoming NFPA 45 chemical safety assessment. Develop training materials for the new chemical spill cleanup kits. Continue to address all remaining ETA equipment on the electrical equipment “conditionally authorized” and “failed” lists. Assist with the glove box decontamination in Complete review/update of Work Activity CY-0005 for Cyclotron Road work being performed at the Potter Street facility. Assist with establishing fall protection requirements for the “Cool Walls Exposure Rack” project located on the B50 roof. Perform a CMS inventory reconciliation in A number of old “lecture bottle” gas cylinders are being scheduled for disposal.