InfoNet The RPS Intranet For RPS employees only
InfoNet Welcome to Richmond Public Schools! As a teacher for RPS, you have access to InfoNet, the RPS intranet. This presentation will introduce you to the homepage. To reach this intranet from any computer, go to your Internet browser (not Netscape) and type the address: Infonet if the computer is on the RPS network Or if the computer is outside the RPS network.
This is the Infonet homepage
InfoNet Homepage Links listed horizontally under the banner: Check – to access your RPS account. In Richmond Public Schools, your account is usually set up during New Teachers Orientation. If this was not done, in order to set up your account you must set up your account online. You must have an Employee Number in order to set up your account. If you do not know this six digit number, you can see your school’s Sys Operator and he or she should be able to help you.
InfoNet Homepage Other links listed horizontally under the banner: Eforms – to print many of the forms you will use SiteMap – to see all of the links available from the InfoNet homepage in a tree format RPS Homepage – to go to the public web page
InfoNet Homepage Buttons on the left side of the screen: Click the links in the button with the navy background to see the links to policy and procedures manuals, other documentation, and various applications Search Centrex – RPS phone directory
InfoNet Homepage More buttons on the left side of the screen: RPS University Sign up for free instructor-led courses taught on site at RPS schools and the Technical Training Center for On the Job Training and/or recertification points See what classes are offered through surrounding Colleges and Universities, taught on site at RPS schools, for recertification points and college credit
InfoNet Homepage Buttons on the right side of the screen: Select a quick access item – links to many of the applications available through InfoNet are in this list Curriculum Resources for Teachers – links to resources that teachers can use in classroom instruction. (i.e.. Curriculum Guides, Edutest, Edusoft, PALS, Flanagan, and VDOE’s Training and Technical Assistance Center)
InfoNet Homepage More buttons on the right side of the screen: Library Media Services Portal – Access to the RPS Library Media Services homepage. Absence Online – You may report your own personal absence via computer.
InfoNet Homepage More buttons on the right side of the screen: ICTS Service Desk – to submit your own service ticket when you need help with your computer In Richmond Public Schools, the ONLY people who are allowed to install software or fix computer problems are technicians from the Department of Informational Technology (DIT). In order to get your software installed or your computer repaired, you must submit a service request by calling (804) option 1. You must have a RPS employee id number in order to submit a service request.
InfoNet Homepage Center of InfoNet homepage: What’s New – Check InfoNet often, because this is where we apprise you of new and upcoming events. Don’t be the last to know!