Graphical User Interfaces (GUI’s ). & Command-Line Interfaces.
OS control different computer processes E.g. running a spreadsheet program or accessing information from the computer's memory. One important process is the interpretation of commands that allow the user to communicate with the computer. Some command interpreters are text oriented, requiring commands to be typed in. Other command interpreters are graphically oriented and let the user communicate by pointing and clicking on an icon, an on-screen picture that represents a specific command. How an Operating System Works
Graphical User Interface is a display format that enables the user to choose commands, start programs, and see lists of files and other options by pointing to pictorial representations (icons) and lists of menu items on the screen. Choices can generally be activated either with the keyboard or with a mouse. GUIs offer an environment that processes the direct interaction with the computer. Another benefit is that applications written for a GUI are device- independent: As the interface changes to support new input and output devices, such as a printer or an optical storage device, the applications can, without modification, use those devices. Graphical User Interface (GUI)
GUI’s continued Windows, is the common name for Microsoft Windows, a multitasking graphical user interface environment. Windows provides a standard interface based on drop-down menus, screen windows, and a pointing device such as a mouse. Programs are designed to take advantage of these features.
Command-Line Interface Command-Line Interface a form of interface between the operating system and the user in which the user types commands, using a special command language. Systems with command-line interfaces are usually considered more difficult to learn and use than those with graphical interfaces. MS-DOS, acronym for Microsoft Disk Operating System. Is a single-user operating system with a command-line interface. MS-DOS—like other operating systems—oversees such operations as disk input and output, video support, keyboard control, and many internal functions related to program execution and file maintenance.
Features of the two common OS’s MS-DOS: The file systems MS-DOS are single user and single-tasking. For instance, when the computer is printing a document, it cannot start another process or respond to new commands until the printing is completed.
Features of two common OS’s Windows: The file systems Windows are multiple user and multi-tasking. For instance, when the computer is carrying out a task such as formatting a Floppy disk, it can process other infomation or respond to new commands from the user. A multitasking OS creates the illusion of several processes running simultaneously on the CPU. The most common mechanism used to create this illusion is time-slice multitasking, whereby each process is run individually for a fixed period of time. If the process is not completed within the allotted time, it is suspended and another process is run.
Opening a Floppy disk in MS-DOS. Opening a Floppy disk in Windows.
Advantages & Disadvantages of MS-Dos OS. Command-oriented operating systems. Don’t require more hardware—such as faster CPUs, more memory, and higher-quality monitors. Command-oriented operating systems. mastering the system is specific commands have to be known. Relatively small screen resolution and a maximum of 65,536 colours.(16-bits) MS-DOS is single user and single-tasking. Specific instructions can be typed in quicker. 16 bit system only. Not PnP Compatible Normally Faster Than most GUI OS’s as it is a more simpler OS.
Advantages & Disadvantages of the Windows OS. Windows (GUI) Requires more hardware— such as faster CPUs, more memory, and higher-quality monitors. Windows (GUI) Windows is multiple user and multi-tasking Re-sizable windows and a possible resolution of up to 16 millon colours or more. (32 bit resolution) 32 bit or 64 bit system. Drop down Menus, Toolbars and clickable Icons. PnP Compatible. Can be quite slow at times as it is a more Complex OS and because it supports Multi-tasking.
Tasks Make a list of different Operating Systems, this must include a variety of GUI’s and Command line interfaces. For each OS match the platform required to run this (e.g. PC, Apple Mac) Which OS and platform is the most popular, and why? Explain why GUI’s have helped increase the popularity of computers to a wider audience