Social 30 Still Chapter 2
WORDS Fundamental Rights Self-Interest Private Property Mercantilism Free Market Economy
Housekeeping Your assignments are now due! Your first unit test will be early next week. It will be based on Chapter 1,2, and 3. Also, any notes and discussions that happened in class.
Review What is an Ideology? How are they based? Think Nation, Religion, Class, and Environment. What questions does an Ideology attempt to answer? What is Individualism? What did Locke, Hobbes, and JJ think? What is Liberalism? What stages led to Liberalism? Why was the Printing Press so Important? Why was Leonardo Di Vinci so Important?
Political Roots of Liberalism (don’t write this) In 1776 the American colonies declared themselves independent from Britain. The Right of all individuals were determined by the Declaration of Independence. It stated that all men are created equal. They have certain rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This went on to influence the French Revolution.
Rule of Law and the Social Contract (or this) The Rule of law is that the law itself, and not the individual, has the greatest power and that all individuals are subject to the law. This idea comes for the Magna Carta. (Great Charter)
The Magna Carta (or this) an English legal charter, originally issued in the year Protects the rights of the people Limits the power of the King of England. led to the rule of constitutional law
Continued (or this) King John was forced to limit the amount of taxes he could collect. The King became subject to law. Over the years, the monarchy has given up more and more power. This document forged the way for modern democracy.
Some questions. Locke and the new USA felt that people were capable of taking care and governing themselves. So, why do we need a government to govern us? They answered: A Social Contract.
Social Contract (time to start Writing!) Each individual in a society agrees to be governed so that they may gain the benefits of living in that society. Having access to things such as Police, Military, public services, etc…
Individual Rights and Freedoms With the rise of liberalism countries passed laws to ensure equal rights for all people. But, limits must be placed on these rights. Can we think of how our rights should be limited?
Let’s put some down here.
Freedom of Speech One cannot shout “fire” in a crowded room. may follow the "harm principle" or the "offense principle” You are not allowed to do something thing in action or expression that is designed to hurt, harm, or cause injury to another person. to prevent harm to others
Hate Speech speech that attacks or disparages a person or group of people based on their: race, gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or lack there of, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, language ability, ideology, social class, occupation, appearance (height, weight, skin color, etc.), mental capacity, and any other distinction that might be considered by some as a liability.
Defamation It is a crime to tell laws or untruths about a person intentionally. One BC woman was charges $ for creating a website that defamed a teacher.
Let’s look at page 51
Economic Roots of Liberalism During the ’s most economies were based on Mercantilism. Manufacture more then import. High taxes on imported goods. No education, money, or rights for the working class.
Mercantilism A Eurocentric economic policy whereby European monarchs increased their wealth through international trade.
During the Enlightenment After the philosophers began to think about this and people became more educated they found problems with this system? Adam Smith proposed a move from Mercantilism to the Free Market Economy and Supply and Demand?
Economic Freedom Our freedom to buy what we want and sell our labor to who we want are our economic freedoms. Employers also have the freedom to choose who they employee?
Social Expressions of Individualism The ’s showed the development of Liberalism. Then in the 1920’s until the 1930’s we witnessed the collapse of the Market (kind of like today) This led to a movement towards collectivism. During the great depression people wanted to government to intervene in the economy.
Healthcare Those suffering during the great depression felt that heath care and social welfare should be available. Others felt that they should not be responsible for the heath and security of others.
Hmmmm. Can we see that today?
Modern Times struggling to survive in the modern, industrialized world. The film is trying to uncover the desperate employment conditions many people faced during the Great Depression. Conditions created, in Chaplin's view, by the efficiencies of modern industrialization.