Running From God Received a command to go to Ninevah He went the opposite direction “from the Lord” He did not succeed God prepared a consequence for him Psalm 139 We cannot hide from God
Running To God Jonah prays to God For thanksgiving He had already been spared He expresses repentance He made a vow He acknowledges the truth he needed to learn Only after that, God releases him Jonah got a taste of life without God It is also a powerful sign for Ninevites
Running For God Jonah obeyed God this time He gave 40 days’ warning The people believed in God They repented and fasted and prayed God was gracious, did not punish them Ahab 1 Kings 21:18-29 Manasseh 2 Kings 21:16, 23:26 2 Chron. 33:10-20
Running Ahead of God Jonah became angry Blamed God for his disobedience Wanted to die God provided shade Jonah was happy The vine died Jonah was unhappy again Cared more for vine than people Cared more for self than God’s will
Applications Can’t hide from God We will suffer consequences of our actions God is gracious if we repent Selfishness = unhappiness Worldly happiness is fleeting We should care for what God cares for Unselfishness = true happiness