Type 1 Diabetes By: Janiyah Brown and Tatiyana Chaney Retrieved from : bih=655&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAmoVChMIvdbc k_b0yAIVAjQ-Ch1LgQ9I#imgrc=a-rQX6QRCZoXPM%3A
In the mind of a type 1 diabetic … Understand you have come to learn your body completely stopped producing any insulin,which is a hormone that enables the body to use glucose found in foods for energy. You will now HAVE to take daily insulin injections to survive. *Insulin injections are used to control blood sugar* - Type 1 diabetes usually occurs in children and young adults. retrieved from- h?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=675&q=children+AND+YOUNGE+ADSULTS&oq=children+AND+YOUNGE+ADSULTS&gs_l=img j8j3j img Wd6f44fhbS4
Diet rearrangements Retrieved from- m=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAWoVChMI86_Cu_r0yAIVjFU- Ch1gzAJY&biw=1280&bih=699#imgrc=MZeyUzEnfibNxM%3A Diabetics need to have plenty of Proteins, lipids, fibers, and carbohydrates! *Sidenote – offers a “ create meal” tab, where you can design future meals to fit your diet. What to eatWhat not to eat Whole-grain flours, Whole grains, Too many potatoes Baked sweet or white potato or baked steak fries Fried foods Corn, popcorn or products made from corn Pork Whole-grain breadButter Whole oats/ oatmealHigh fat dairy Egg yolksFast foods
Role of blood sugar monitoring Blood sugar monitoring helps people manage their diabetes and avoid additional harm. Keeping up with blood sugar involves pricking your fingertip with an automatic tester. Blood sugar monitoring also help you avoid sugar comas and losing limbs. retrieved from j8j3j img Wd6f44fhbS4#tbm=isch&q=role+of+blood+in+sugar+monitoring+in+type+1&imgrc=dT4BqwhCMotPXM%3A
Recommendations for exercise and lifestyle Stay active!!! Reason it is important: It will help lower blood glucose in addition to many other benefits. offers excercise routines, ideas, and ways to start getting motivated.
Quotes page retrieved from- le.com/search?q =diabetes+quote s&es_sm=93&tb m=isch&tbo=u&s ource=univ&sa= X&ved=0CCAQs ARqFQoTCNep2 -P5- cgCFQLgYwodJ 78E8Q&biw=128 0&bih=699#imgr c=6bW4UAcldsI hAM%3A
Here are some options of people you can contact to help you get a true understanding of what is going on. Just remember everything is going to be okay! ●Nutritionist or dietitian ●Certified diabetic educator (CDE) ●Ophthalmologist
Nutritionist or Dietician Dietitians are a valuable resource in your effort to keep diabetes in control ! ● Set up a meal plan. This should include several days' worth of sample meals and snacks that will fit into your daily routine. This should be individualized to your particular needs. ● Teach you how to count carbohydrates in your foods. That is, if carbohydrate- counting is a method you want to use. Your dietitian should also teach you how to control portion sizes and understand the importance of watching your fat and calorie consumption (which people who count their carbs often forget).carbohydrate- counting ● Consult with your doctor, if necessary. You may need to find a medication regimen that works better with your diet.
Certified diabetic educator (CDE) As a member of your healthcare team, a diabetes educator will work with you to develop a plan to stay healthy, and give you the tools and ongoing support to make that plan a regular part of your life. Diabetes education is a recognized part of your diabetes care and is covered by Medicare and most health insurance plans.
Ophthalmologist Ophthalmologists can detect systemic diseases such as high blood pressure, stroke, and cancer through examination of the eyes. In fact, it is sometimes the ophthalmologist who first discovers that a person has diabetes through changes in the retina.
Works Cited "Continuous Glucose Monitoring." Continuous Glucose Monitoring. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov "Grains and Starchy Vegetables." American Diabetes Association. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov "Google." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov /food/what-can-i-eat/making "3 Things Dietitians Can Do to Help You Control Diabetes." Health.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov "American Association of Diabetes Educators." How a Diabetes Educator Can Help You. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov