University Communication Skills Example Article Discussion “The Plastic Sandwich Bag Flunks” By Stephanie Clifford New York Times Magazine 8/26/11
Please discuss with a partner the following question: “Name everything that you have used today that is made out of plastic.” Make a list.
Now let’s watch a video…
Questions about video What is the main idea? Who was it made for (the audience)? What suggestions does the video make about reducing our use of plastic?
Article: “The Plastic Sandwich Bag Flunks” by Stephanie Clifford of the NYtimes
Summary of Key Points Schools are trying to cut down waste No more ziplock bags New trend= to be environmentally friendly Advantages? – Less garbage for the schools – Retailers make money – Children get excited – Better for the environment
Summary of Key Points Disadvantages? – Time consuming for parents – Expensive for parents
Questions #1. Do you agree with the schools forcing children to bring in reusable containers? #2. What could the schools do to make everyone (school + parents) happy?
Thank you for listening and discussing this issue with me!!