An Introduction to Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes 1:1-3 I. The Author of Ecclesiastes -The author of Ecclesiastes is Solomon. 3 Acts of Solomon’s Life Act I - Faithful Solomon Serves God Act II – Wavering Solomon Strays from God Act III – Aging Solomon Regrets his Unfaithfulness to God
An Introduction to Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes 1:1-3 II. The Focus of Ecclesiastes “Man” “Profit” “Labor” “Vanity” -The focus of the book of Ecclesiastes is upon the vanity of human life.
An Introduction to Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes 1:1-3 III. The Message of Ecclesiastes ECCLESIASTES 2:24 ECCLESIASTES 3:12-13 ECCLESIASTES 5:18 ECCLESIASTES 8:15 -The message of the book of Ecclesiastes --- Life is all vanity apart from the presence of God
Q1 --- Have you connected with your God? Q2 --- Are you committed to your God?