Revisions Proposed to Faculty Manual Royalty Distribution s
Revisions Proposed Simplify royalty distribution table from 3 tiers to 2 tiers – eliminate the third tier that reduces faculty portion from 50% to 25% Only two tiers: $1-$10K: 100% to faculty; >$10K: split Allow funds for commercialization projects Allow for enforcement of IP Recent patent law suits Protecting our patents in light of new case law (gene markers and method patents) Plant varietal infringement matters
Concerns from last senate discussion Concern By SenateProposed revision IP Committee RosterOC Website, Faculty Senate website Many technologies produce $10K or under Preserving Tier 1 structure (Upto $10K: Faculty 100%) Rewarding faculty at higher levelEliminated Tier 3 (=University 75%- Inventor 25%). Limited at Tier 2 (=University-Inventor split) Enforcement FundCapped at $150K; Advisory body of inventors/breeders/creators to make recommendations on the use of the Fund.
Royalty Comparison for Inventor Portion current vs. proposed Tier $ 1-10K ( eg.,$10K ) $ 10K-200K ( eg., $200K ) $ 200,001- Up ( eg., $500K) Current $10K $100K $125K Proposed $10K $100K $250K