CH 3 Section 1 British Colonialism and Mercantilism
Mercantilism Theory that countries should acquire gold and focus on exporting goods and owning colonies.
Why Mercantilism? A nation’s ultimate goal under mercantilism was to become self-sufficient so that it did not have to depend on other countries for goods.
The colonies threatened British economics by trading raw materials with other nations.
The Navigation Acts Laws passed by the British to control colonial trade. Certain products could be sold only to England. All Exports had to be unloaded in England (and taxed).
The Dominion of New England The colonies from southern Maine to New Jersey that were organized under one large colony controlled from England. King James II set it up.
Parliament: England’s Law- making body. King James II: British king that set up the Dominion of New England
The Glorious Revolution Parliament overthrew James II, and passed laws that gave them greater power over the English king. They restored the original colonies and put a royally- appointed governor in charge of them.
Salutary neglect: Parliament didn’t see a need to govern the colonies too closely, and rarely enforced the laws. Each colony had elected legislatures that had the power of taxation, and thus controlled the salaries of the governors.