Watershed Overview of Wastewater Treatment Plant Performance Presentation to Wastewater Practitioners Group 15 October 2015
2 Background Program initiated in 2010 (as a pilot) to address wastewater spills and bypasses Municipal partners, GRCA, and MOECC WMP identifies optimization as a best practice
3 What does optimization mean? Continuous improvement process to make effective use of existing resources and infrastructure to meet defined goals, e.g. improved effluent quality to reduce environmental impact.
4 WWOP Objectives Improve water quality in the Grand River and its tributaries; Tap the full potential of existing wastewater infrastructure and promote excellence in infrastructure management;
5 WWOP Objectives Strengthen partnerships for wastewater optimization; Enhance partner capability and motivation;
6 WWOP Objectives Leverage and learn from U.S. EPA experience with area-wide optimization programs; and Demonstrate an area-wide optimization program that can serve as a model for other areas of Ontario.
7 WWOP Activities 8 workshops to provide hands-on and classroom optimization training 8 Comprehensive Performance Evaluations of wastewater treatment plants A poster was created to highlight the WWOP WWOP overview article in Influents magazine 2 annual summary reports created (for 2012 and 2013)
8 Performance Report A key activity in the WWOP is plant performance monitoring 28 WWTPs Plant Flows Per Capita Flows & Loads Raw Influent Ratios Plant Performance Watershed Summary
9 Enhanced Performance Reporting
10 Impact of WWTPs
11 Impact of WWTPs
12 Benefits Measure effectiveness of the program Track changes and improvements over time Identify plants for further optimization work Support a recognition program #1#1
13 Next Steps Report on 2014 data is underway Workshop to review performance summary (early 2016) Finalize report, circulate and post on website Use information to feed into recognition program
14 Key Messages Optimization is a best practice, similar to the Rural Water Quality Program Collecting good data is crucial to make good decisions Fostering partnerships is fundamental to the program; optimization is really about people.