Communicating with Creativity: Practical Strategies for the Everyday Writer Lessons from Day 1 Provided by Alyssa O’Brien
Introductions How do you interpret this image from our syllabus? Are people helping to make the rider (“writer”) creative and successful or holding him/her back? How can we communicate in all contexts to make every collaboration creative and successful?
Correspondences Creativity Inspiration Ideas Flair, originality Adaptability, flexibility Effective Communication Clarity, concision Conveying knowledge Persuasive Appropriate audience
Convergences Skills (“Get to the Point!”) Strategies (“You Can Communicate”) Creativity (“Writing Down the Bones”)
The Rhetorical Triangle Communication is a Dynamic Relationship Speaker/Writer Audience Text
4 C’s Criteria for Communication Clear Convincing Creative Compelling ============= Success! = Concise, Correct = Persuasive, Appropriate = Original, Interesting = Memorable, Effective ================== Accomplishes the professional purpose, uses the personal voice!
Interactive Class Activity Describe a favorite experience with food (2 sentences) TRANSFORM that writing into a letter to a dear friend TRANSFORM that writing into a report to this class TRANSFORM that writing into a memo to your boss (or a professional colleague)
Strengths and Blocks Strong imagery Rich detail PASSION Flair! Vivid Description Imagination Fear of judgment Fear of loss of respect Fear of inappropriateness BLOCK STUCK Loss of interest Loss of voice and self
Letter to Internal Critic For your October 9 Journal Assignment: Write a letter to your inner critic, the one that gets you STUCK and STOPS your WRITING Silence this Critic! Woolf had to “Kill the Angel in the House”
Register for Coursework Sign on to the Panfora Discussion Tool Post your Journal Entry there? (Attach the file or write into the discussion) See you next week for “Freeing your Creativity!”