Courage Coaching
Inner Peace Are you looking for peace and tranquility? How would you achieve this if you were not afraid of anything? You have all the gifts inside of you to live a happy life. Look within for answers, not externally. Becoming self- compassionate is like treating yourself like you would treat your best friend who is hurting. Speak kindly to yourself and you will feel peace.
Passion In Your Heart Does your heart bleed when you think about doing something you no longer have anymore passion for? How can you bring back the passion in your life? Passion is the unfolding of joy inside of you waiting to get out, you just need to find it and then use it in a creative way. Learn to listen and feel what your emotions are telling you. They are the driving force behind change.
Springtime What inspires you? Do you want to inspire others? In spring, the symbol of the cherry blossom represents the transience in life since the blossoms are delicate and only bloom for a short time. This is also true in our own lives whereby not only do the seasons change, but so do we. If you could renew your life, what would you do? Seize the opportunity.
Summer In summer, possibilities of calmness and serenity can be found in nature amongst the green canopies of trees while taking a walk on the path of life, not knowing where it will take you. Allow yourself to explore. Let yourself be amazed as things begin to unfold before your very eyes.
Autumn In autumn, the colours of the leaves have a significant symbol that represents letting go of the past identity and being proud to show what else is inside of you waiting to get out and shine. The future looks good and change is taking place. The air is fresh and so is your soul. It is up to you to find the courage to live your best life.
Winter Even in winter, life is beautiful. Especially like the trees in this photo, after the storm. Sometimes it is necessary to go through a difficult time, in order to regain our strength and courage to move on and facilitate a change in our lives while still maintaining our beauty. Once we can achieve this victory, the realization is that anything is possible and we are no longer stuck in one season.
Unfolding From Within During a winter storm, we are often forced to stay inside and become still and quiet which can provide a perfect opportunity to be able to reflect on where we have been, where we are now and where we want to go next. This is a positive step in unfolding the change process from within. Even though it may seem scary at the time, the benefits outweigh the risks.
Take Flight Fear is what most often holds us back from making our decisions in life. Imagine a yellow finch bird not able to spread his wings and fly. Not only would this be sad, but limited. Learn how to spread your wings and take flight, feel liberated and follow your instincts, just like the yellow finch bird.
Listen To Your Inner Compass It is time to be true to yourself and listen to your inner compass, your intuition. When things are not right, you can feel it in your body physically. Confusion and struggle are often a side effect from the mind which is trying to rationalize something within you. If you open your heart and see it from that perspective, you are entering your true self and a new path in life. Allow this to be your guide and just imagine the possibilities…Always move forward!!