Tempe, Arizona December 10, 2003 Covering Kids & Families: Process Improvement Collaborative Minnesota Covering Kids & Families Project Improving Renewal Rates
12/3/03 2 Problem: Too many closures for failure to complete renewal process. Failure to return renewal form and verifications –x % of MA closures –x% of MA denials –x% of MinnesotaCare (CHIP) closures –x% of MinnesotaCare denials
12/3/03 3 Goal: To improve MA retention rates by 10% Identify reasons families fail to complete renewal process don’t realize they’ve received the renewal form don’t understand what they need to do forget the deadline never receive forms due to change of address don’t send in verifications
12/3/03 4 Goal Statement (Cont.) Conduct small scale testing to see what strategies improve renewal return rates Conduct telephone renewals, including languages other than English Provide phone reminders that renewals are due Change renewal notices so are more easily identifiable Enable health plans to assist with renewals Provide renewal notices in different languages Send more than one renewal notice
12/3/03 5 Core Measurements Year’s worth of data on renewal closures/ denials in Olmsted County
12/3/03 6 Changes Implemented to Date CKF outreach worker in Olmsted County conducts telephone reminders to MA clients who are due for renewal Project has been underway for more than a year. Test population is client base of two eligibility workers. Only those clients who have failed to return renewal forms and are scheduled to close within 10 days receive reminders About 90% of those called return their renewal forms
12/3/03 7 Conclusions: Next Steps Based on telephone pilot already implemented, there is reason to believe that additional intervention on part of county could improve renewal response rate Need to identify/prioritize small scale testing pilots Need to establish timeline for those to be completed Need to evaluate which could be implemented on statewide basis