BLOGGING IN BITESIZE TOP TIPS ON HOW TO GET STARTED Need Help ?!! Confused ?!! Zoom Right in …..
BLOGGING FOR BEGINNERS Choose the right topic for your blog - it can be a personal blog, like a diary or it can be a subject eg PlayStation games, fashion, sport.. ANYTHING you like. Decide which blog platform is right for you - there are loads of choices.. Wordpress, Tumblr, Blogger, Jux, …. All of these are fab but check out what each have to offer before you settle on one.
BLOGGING FOR BEGINNERS Create a FANTASTIC About me page - you are interesting make sure everybody knows it.. This is your place to brag about how great your blog is. Don’t be vague people need to know what they are going to be reading. Tweet,Update and Snap – Use Social Media, Twitter, Facebook, Snap Chat, Pinintrest … you have your audience ready and waiting don’t forget to share your blog with people you know.
BLOGGING FOR BEGINNERS Learn your craft - start researching how to write good easy, to read posts. Its brill you have an idea but if your posts aren’t written well you wont have a following for long. Headlines - Post titles are important … grap peoples attention. Crunch the numbers – Keep an eye on your statistics, know which post get the most views.
BLOGGING FOR BEGINNERS Marked Words – Tag keywords in your post, it doesn’t matter how many tags each post has but it means your words will reach a bigger audience. Show you care – Reply to comments left on the blog it shows your readers mean something to you. Have Fun – Enjoy blogging its amazing who is interested in what you have to say !!!!