Africa Warren Matthews (Georgia Tech)
March 13, 2016Nectar Net2 Why? Need for better connectivity –Like many leading-edge Universities, Georgia Tech has significant international collaborations, including Africa. –Quickly found many others interested in better connectivity with Africa. –Not just academic research, other International organizations (CDC, NLM) have significant missions in Africa.
March 13, 2016Nectar Net3 Existing Intercontinental Connectivity Widespread satellite connectivity –Many universities paying large sums for low- bandwidth, unreliable satellite connections. SAT-3 (WASC) –Operated by Telkom SA. –Rumored competition has already lead to 25% cut. Also SAFE, SeaMeWe3.
March 13, 2016Nectar Net4 Proposed Intercontinental Connectivity East African Submarine System (EASSy) South African Second Network Operator (SNO) –Unclear about SAT3 license Liberalization of other African Telecommunications markets.
March 13, 2016Nectar Net5 Proposed International Connections IBAUD IDRC, PfHEIDRCPfHE –PARENA NSF Focus Africa/NEPAD (Indo-PAN)NEPAD –effort to fight poverty and disease, the “common enemies” stalking Africa and India.
March 13, 2016Nectar Net6 Existing Intercontinental Connections TENET –South African Tertiary Education Network. –80Mbps connection with commercial networks. –Attempting to peer directly in Europe and US. EU MED NET –Numerous 2-3Mbps links in North Africa.
March 13, 2016Nectar Net7 Organizations on the Ground USAID – Leland Project Network Startup Resource Center Wider Net Digital Freedom Initiative (Senegal)Digital Freedom Initiative eJDS
March 13, 2016Nectar Net8 Current and planned activity sounds promising. Work together to connect projects. Connection-by-connection basis if necessary.
March 13, 2016Nectar Net9 Senegal No known research network or organization DFI are active AMMA sounding stationAMMA University Cheikh Anta Diop Sonatel –France Telecom NectarNet/Dakar AMMA University
March 13, 2016Nectar Net10 Ghana Ghana Telecom No response from other providers Accra NoguchiVolta Dam MIMCOM Legon
March 13, 2016Nectar Net11 Nigeria NITEL have a national infrastructure –Connects most of the cities –10Mbps NUNET Lagos Ibadan Obafemi Awolowa University Mimcom University of Ibadan Ile-Ife Jon Postel Technology Center University of Lagos Abuja
March 13, 2016Nectar Net12 Cameroon eJDS are activeeJDS Cameroon telecommunications provided by CAMnet Douala University of Douala
March 13, 2016Nectar Net13 South Africa National Research Network –Tertiary Education Network (TENet) Proposed South African Research and Education Network (SANREN) –Department of Science and Technology Cape Town TENET University of Pretoria MRC SANREN
March 13, 2016Nectar Net14 Other Locations Angola, Mozambique. Namibia, Botswana, Zambia. Mali, Burkina Faso. Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda.
March 13, 2016Nectar Net15 Next Steps Move forward with partners. Find Funding, donations and money. Foster usage and work to build user groups, research organizations and networks.
March 13, 2016Nectar Net16 Thanks Hilda Ceidera, David Indome, Steve Huter, Don Riley, Steve Song, Heather Boyles, Roy Steiner, Mary Kratz.
March 13, 2016Nectar Net17