A Positive Approach to Consulting in Schools Evidence-Based Practices for Promoting Effectiveness and Acceptance Dennis H. Reid, Ph.D., BCBA Carolyn W. Green, Ed.D.
General Strategy 1 (continued) Make job of staff as easy to do as possible (while maintaining effectiveness) With data collection With interventions
General Strategy 2 Do what paid to do and what front-line education staff want
General Strategy 3 Get some quick success
General Strategy 4 Forget about bibliotherapy (almost)
General Strategy 5 Use technical language judiciously (“continued”)
Evidence-Based Consultation Select consumer outcome Specify staff performance Train Monitor Maintain/support quality performance Improve nonproficient performance
Supportive Consultation Set the occasion for proficient staff performance Positively support/reinforce proficient performance Formal feedback Informal feedback Supplementary support systems
Corrective Consultation Assess the problem Lack of skills: behavioral skills training Lack of time/resources: seek supervisor assistance Lack of performance: feedback (repeated) Continued lack of performance: seek supervisor assistance for remedial (disciplinary action)