By Amanda and Amanda
LocationLocation Greece is located at the southeast end of Europe. Greece's coordinates are N W.
Greece FactsGreece Facts Population: Capitol: Athens GDP: $ (USD) Currency: Euro Total Area: square miles square kilometres
EconomicsEconomics 20% of Greece's population is below the poverty line. The unemployment rate in Greece is 12%.
RecreationRecreation Most popular national sport of Greece is soccer. Some games that Greek children play are mela (which is similar to monkey in the middle) and triόdie (which is a more complicated version of tic-tac-toe.) Music and Dancing has been a very important part in Greek life.
PoliticsPolitics The chief of state is president Karolos PAPOULIAS (since 03/25/2005) The head of government is prime minister Yeoryios (George) Papandreou (since 10/06/09) The president is elected by parliament for a five year term Their Government type is a Parliamentary Republic. Karolos PAPOULIAS Yeoryios Papandreou
EducationEducation The Greece education system consists of three levels: Primary (Dimotiko), Secondary (Gymnaiso), and Tertiary education. School can start as early as the age of 2.5 in both private and public schools.
ReligionReligion 98% of the people in Greece's religion is Greek Orthodox. 1% of the people in Greece's religion is Muslim. The last 1% of the populations religion is other.
ArtisticArtistic There are five forms of art in Greece. Architecture, sculpture, painting, pottery, and jewelry making. Architecture includes things like houses, religious buildings like temples and tombs. Sculptures include small figurines, and life-size statues. Some the size of buildings and others tombstones.
KinshipKinship The children in Greece are treated with firm discipline. Parents in Greece believe its their duty for them to provide a good education and all other necessities for their children. The Elderly are very respected, and have a lot of authority in society in Greece.
MediaMedia There are internet users in Greece. There are cell phone users in Greece. There are telephone users in Greece. There are 36 TV Broadcast stations.
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