ACRL/EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) Liaison Three year appointment: Elizabeth Dupuis University of California, Berkeley
Building the Connection To maintain communication: -I have a quarterly phone call with the ELI Director -I scheduled focused conversations with the previous ACRL/ELI liaison and other ELI members -I aim to attend conferences/meetings (ELI, EDUCAUSE, CNI) We are open to a range of roles, models, and approaches.
Finding Intersections Our initial focus was on identifying the chief concerns and priorities of each organization and their communities, and then finding the intersections. We discussed: -Strategic documents -Key committees -Recent publications -Online offerings
ELI Priorities “7 Things You Should Read About” series “Seeking Evidence of Impact” initiative “Learning Space Rating System” Teaching and Learning cohorts Content Anchors (now renamed Key Issues)
2016 Key Issues in Teaching and Learning Survey Last year’s top 15 plus: - Adaptive learning - Digital badging/microcredentialing - Evolution of the profession - Integrated student advising services
Initial Ideas for Promoting membership opportunities Developing sessions/tracks at events and conferences Planning and offering joint online programming Disseminating key ideas through publications Informing space planning and design Update: “Digital Learning Environments Demand New Partnerships for Teaching” poster session with Sharon Mader accepted for 2016 ELI Annual Meeting in February 2016
ACRL Priorities What are the top teaching and learning priorities? One idea suggested was promoting the new “Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education” Which activities would be of greatest interest to ACRL? At ALA Annual 2015, SLILC members interest expressed for first three ideas and teaching/learning cohorts ACRL Leadership has not yet replied about the possibilities and next steps for these areas How might we engage other members in the activities?