Last week we finished out friends and school unit. Thank you for all of the donations for our “Friendship Trail Mix”. This week we will begin our unit on shoes. We will incorporate shoes into our dramatic play area, as well as use shoes to introduce patterns and counting. Please be sure to review your folder every night! Please talk with them about their day! AT HOME CONNECTIONS… Please continue reading with your child every day! Have your child color and cut. Cutting and coloring promote fine motor development which will also benefit handwriting! MAKE LEARNING FUN, Learn through Play!!!!!! Reminde rs Please send in a family photo if you have not done so already. Students MUST have two coverings for nap. We need to begin to allow our children to walk to class independently everyday! No School 9/7-Labor Day 9/14- Student Holiday Please check out the Bright from the Start Georgia Pre-K website: On the website you will we able to navigate to the GELDS Pre-K standards and to check out what your child is expected to be able to know and do at the end of the school year! Mrs. Remion and Mrs. White class newsletter
This week we will continue to learn about shoes. We had so much fun last week learing about AB patterns! We made color patterns, shape patterns, and shoe patterns. This week we are continuing to learn about patterns and look for patterns all around us. We will be participating in lacing activities, shoe tying, and we will be making more patterns.! AT HOME CONNECTIONS… Work on tying shoes, cutting paper, writing name, letter recognition (focusing on Bb, Dd, and Pp), counting, and making patterns. DON’T FORGET TO READ EVERYDAY WITH YOUR CHILD! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!! Reminde rs Please send in a family photo if you have not done so already. Students MUST have two coverings for nap. We need to begin to allow our children to walk to class independently everyday! Important Dates : 9/14- Student Holiday 9/30- School Pictures Please check out the Bright from the Start Georgia Pre-K website: On the website you will we able to navigate to the GELDS Pre-K standards and to check out what your child is expected to be able to know and do at the end of the school year! Week of 9/8/15 class newsletter
We will be learning about apples, magnets, and leaves this week. We will be using apples for various activities this week and next week. If you are able to donate any red, yellow, or green apples please send them in by Friday, September 18 th ! Thanks in advance! AT HOME CONNECTIONS… Work on tying shoes, cutting paper, writing name, letter recognition (focusing on Cc, Oo, and Qq), counting, and making patterns. DON’T FORGET TO READ EVERYDAY WITH YOUR CHILD! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!! Reminde rs Please send in a family photo if you have not done so already. Students MUST have two coverings for nap. We need to begin to allow our children to walk to class independently everyday! Important Dates : 9/30- School Pictures Please check out the Bright from the Start Georgia Pre-K website: On the website you will we able to navigate to the GELDS Pre-K standards and to check out what your child is expected to be able to know and do at the end of the school year! Week of 9/15/15 class newsletter
During the Pride of Pooler Festival there will be a silent auction. Donations of $2 to fund the PreK Basket are being taken up to purchase items for our basket to be auctioned off. If you are interested in donating please make sure the money is labeled SILENT AUCTION BASKET! THANKS!!!!! Thank you to those of you who donated apples! We will be having a lot of fun working with the apples this week! AT HOME CONNECTIONS… Work on tying shoes, cutting paper, writing name, letter recognition, and number recognition. MAKE LEARNING FUN!!!!! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!! Important Dates : 9/30- School Pictures 10/12- No School Please check out the Bright from the Start Georgia Pre-K website: On the website you will we able to navigate to the GELDS Pre-K standards and to check out what your child is expected to be able to know and do at the end of the school year! Week of 9/21/15 class newsletter
During the Pride of Pooler Festival there will be a silent auction. Donations of $2 to fund the PreK Basket are being taken up to purchase items for our basket to be auctioned off. If you are interested in donating please make sure the money is labeled SILENT AUCTION BASKET! THANKS!!!!! Thank you to those of you who have donated money to support the Pride of Pooler Silent Auction! At Home Connections: Have your child count groups of things (Pennies, forks, spoons, buttons, etc.)and then compare the groups, which is more which is less. When you are talking about something ask them what letter do you think it starts with? You can sound out words with your child to promote letter/sound recognition. You can go a step farther and have them write out the letters to create words! Read at least ONE book with your child everyday! Remember to check your child’s folder every night and take out papers as they come home! Important Dates : 9/30- School Pictures 10/12- No School Please check out the Bright from the Start Georgia Pre-K website: On the website you will we able to navigate to the GELDS Pre-K standards and to check out what your child is expected to be able to know and do at the end of the school year! Week of 9/28/15 class newsletter