NCWISE Marks Spreadsheet Training
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Attendance Review Login Select the course / period / homeroom Access student List Place a check beside Absent or Late Check Attendance Completed Save / Exit –Application will time out after 15 minutes of inactivity.
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Logging In
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Attendance - All Present
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Attendance - Absent and Late
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Business Practices Attendance in elementary/middle schools will be completed by 8:30 AM. Attendance in high schools will be completed during the first 15 minutes of each block. Teachers who are away from the classroom when attendance is taken (ex. PE, Band) may use hard copy forms for recording attendance. Substitutes will use hard copy forms for recording attendance. Hard copy forms will be provided for all teachers in the event of a school wide disruption of internet service.
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Security State Board Policy EEO-C-018 Only certified personnel will have access to TAM. New users will have 11 days to log into the system and change their password. User accounts are disabled if inactive for 30 days. Logins are disabled after three attempts. –An attempt to unlock TAM once it has timed out, will count as one unsuccessful log in. –Contact the Data Manager for reinstatement of logins and user accounts.
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Security Users will use a unique password. –Must be 8 characters and be composed of a random variety of letters, numbers and symbols with no spaces in between. –Must contain at least 2 numeric characters. –First and last character must be an alpha character. –Should not contain dictionary words. –Cannot be reused until 6 additional passwords have been created.
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Security Users will change their password periodically. –Passwords will expire every 90 days. Passwords will not be shared with others. These same security measures apply if the application is accessed from home.
Stanly County Schools ©2005 NCWISE FAQs Available via the NCWISE resources link on the SCS webpage. – SE/wise_faqs.htm
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Important Dates February 24 - March 4 Marks Training February 28 Go Live! with Attendance March 7-18 Report Cards (NCWISE) March 15 Go Live! with Marks
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Vocabulary Prep –A teacher’s plan for instructional assessment. Marks spreadsheet = Gradebook –The TAM screen on which teachers see assignments and student marks. Assessment = Assignment –Term used for student assignments (tasks)
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Launching the TAM Gradebook Gradebook preferences must be set up before using the gradebook. –My Options –My Preps –My Comments
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Setting Up My Options
Stanly County Schools ©2005 My Preps A prep is a plan for how you assess instruction in your classroom. –If you use the same assessment types (classwork, homework, quizzes, tests) and assessment type weights for every class, you may create a single prep. –If you use different assessment types and/or assessment type weights for each class, you should create multiple preps.
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Setting Up My Preps
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Prep Details
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Selecting Assessment Types
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Selecting Assessment Weights General / Weight of 1Assessment types / Weight of 1 Assessment types / Assigned weights
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Setting Up My Comments
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Accessing TAM
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Marks Spreadsheet The screen on which teachers see all, or a subset of, assignments and student marks. Using the gradebook functionality, teachers enter assessments and marks which can be posted to eSIS.
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Marks Spreadsheet
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Creating Assessments
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Adding Assessments to Other Classes
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Entering Marks
Stanly County Schools ©2005 R.A.T.S The main login screen and the TAM application screen must both remain open when working in NCWISE. Remember to maximize to… –Read –All of –The –Screen
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Accessing TAM
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Posting Marks
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Posting Marks
Stanly County Schools ©2005 Posting Marks
Stanly County Schools ©2005