Reviewing Baseline Preparedness group = l,m,h ranges (see spreadsheet)
Data Analysis Target growth = # of point increase Please type “____ point increase” # of students x.70 (round down)
Fill in the total # of students. Leave Exceed (4),Full (3), 2,1 blank. Type your name and date submitted. Then STOP and print me a copy.
WL Department Revised ACTFL Rubrics are posted – Thank you, Renee! Revised Curriculum units are posted ACTFL Lead with Languages Video Article (copy) Mapping the Nation EHT Revised Danielson Components (copy) 1 st observation by end of November
TELL Project Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning Objective Framework Foundational Criteria Sessions 1 & 2 Examine: Domain Feedback Tools & Self Assessments Further Reading Make a plan!
Literacy Citing Textual Evidence (copy) Making “claims” Guessing Meaning from Context SAGE method - PPT Activity (copy) Your texts
PARCC PARCC Information Expectations for March 2015 and May 2015 Teacher Resources Sample items & ELA Rubrics Creating PARCC-like questions from your 2 texts – comparative reading
Afternoon Sessions IEPs 504s Public School Works