1 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Characteristics Messages expressed by nonlinguistic terms This rules out the written word and sign language Includes all vocal means that do not involve language Sighs, laughs, etc. Nonlinguistic dimensions Volume, rate, pitch
2 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Nonverbal Skills are Vital Nonverbal encoding and decoding skills are strong predictor of Popularity Attractiveness Socioeconomic status Nonverbal skills are vital to emotional intelligence All behavior has communicative value
3 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Nonverbal Communication is Relational Identity Management Defines the kinds of relationships we want to have with others When you’re at a party how do you act? Which emotions are you displaying? Friendly, attractive, easygoing
4 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Nonverbal Communication is Relational Nonverbal communication is better suited towards conveying emotion How do you express the following nonverbally You’re tired You’re in favor of capital punishment You’re attracted to another person in the group You think prayer in schools should be allowed You’re angry at someone in the room
5 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Nonverbal Communication Serves Many Functions Repeating When someone asks for directions, you often repeat your answer with a gesture Complementing Expressions that match thoughts and emotions Substituting When someone asks, “What’s up?” You may just shrug your shoulders
6 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Nonverbal Communication Serves Many Functions Accenting Nonverbal devices in oral messages “It was your idea!” Regulating Influencing the flow of verbal communication Contradicting Sending mixed messages “Angry? I’m not angry!”
7 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Nonverbal Communicators Offer Deception Clues Leakage Nonverbal cues that send signals a person is deceiving you When someone is bluffing a hand of poker, a player may nervously tap their finger or fidget in their chair The voice also offers leakage clues
8 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Nonverbal Communicators Offer Deceptions Clues Three findings: We are accurate in detecting deception only slightly more than half the time We overestimate our ability to detect others’ lies We have a strong tendency to judge others’ messages as truthful
9 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Nonverbal Communication is Ambiguous What does a kiss mean? In some situations it can be a way of saying hello In another situation is could be the first step to a more romantic relationship When your significant other pulls away Is this a sign of trouble Or a suggestion to pursue
10 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Nonverbal Communication is Ambiguous Service with a Smile Twelve Safeway Employees filed grievances over the smile-and-make-eye-contact policy The clerks claimed shoppers thought their smiles and eye-contact was flirting Nonverbal Leaning Disorder (NVLD) Reading facial expressions, tone of voice and other cues is dramatically more difficult
11 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Gender Research shows that, compared to men, women: Smile more Use more facial expression Use more head, hand and arm gestures Touch others more Stand closer to others Make more eye contact
12 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Culture Nonverbal behaviors can have different meanings depending on the culture The “OK” gesture: A cheery affirmation in American culture Means you’re worth zero in France and Belgium Is a vulgar sexual invitation in Greece and Turkey Americans are comfortable conducting business at a distance of four feet Middle Easterner’s stand much closer
13 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Culture The use of time depends greatly on culture Monochronic Emphasizing punctuality, schedules and completing one task at a time Polychronic Flexible schedule in which multiple tasks are pursued at the same time
14 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Body Movement Body Orientation The degree to which we face toward or away from someone with our body, feet and head Posture By paying attention to the postures around your own, you’ll find another channel of communication Gestures Movements of the hands and arms
15 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Body Movement Gestures Illustrators Movements that accompany speech but do not stand on their own Emblems Deliberate nonverbal communication that has precise meaning Adaptors Unconscious body movements in response to the environment
16 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Body Movement Face and Eyes At least eight distinguishable positions of the eyebrows and forehead Eight of the eyes and lids Ten for the lower face Multiplied together you can understand why it is nearly impossible to compile a dictionary of facial expressions
17 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Body Movement Face and Eyes Microexpressions Expressions that happen quickly and are difficult to detect Can be very effective in identifying emotion Eyes Communicate positive or negative attitude Pupils grow larger based on the interest in the object
18 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Voice Paralanguage Describes nonverbal, vocal messages Note how many meanings come from a single sentence, just by shifting the emphasis “This is a fantastic communication book.” Unintentional Pause Vocalized Pause
19 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Touch Haptics Touch can communicate many messages What makes a given touch more or less intense? Several Factors: Which part of the body does the touching Which part of the body is touched How long does the touch last How much pressure is used The situation in which the touch occurred
20 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Appearance Physical Attractiveness Men and women whom others perceive as attractive are rated as: Being more sensitive Kind Strong Sociable Interesting Physically attractive professors receive higher evaluations from their students
21 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Appearance Clothing One writer suggests that clothing can covey at least ten types of messages to others: Economic backgroundLevel of success Economic levelMoral character Educational levelSocial background Educational backgroundSocial position Level of sophisticationTrustworthiness
22 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Physical Space Proxemics The study of the way people and animals use space. We each carry an invisible bubble of personal space wherever we go We feel uncomfortable with this bubble is violated Different cultures develop different bubbles It is important to choose distances based on the receiver of your message
23 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Proxemics Hall’s Four Spatial Zones Intimate distance Ranges out about eighteen inches Personal distance Ranges from eighteen inches to four feet Social distance Four feet to twelve feet Public distance Distances beyond twelve feet
24 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: MESSAGES BEYOND WORDS Time Chronemics The study of how humans structure time In a culture that values time highly, waiting can be an indicator of status Time can be a marker of relationships The amount of time spent with a relational partner sends important messages about value Time is also valued in mediated communication