Oedipus Rex By Sophocles
Who is Oedipus?
Writing Tragic flaw- can the desire for truth be a tragic flaw? Why or why not?
Writing Comment on how Oedipus treats Creon and Tiresias. Remember to use evidence from the play. Based on these encounters, what do you think his tragic flaw is?
As we read the play… Actors – requirements: reads well Summarizers – will recap basic plot Detectives – Identify clues, use of logic, reasoning, dramatic irony Interpreters – Side notes, importance, answer questions Theme identifiers – Points out important themes of the work
Themes Sight, Seeing, Light Darkness, Blindness, Night Riddles, Mysteries, Prophecies Triple Crossroads/ Past, Present, Future Sin, Guilt, Pollution Retribution, Justice, Atonement
Why Read? What is the point of Oedipus Rex? Why do we still read this tragedy? Why do we read books at all? What is it about our human nature that makes us want to write and read books?