Welcome 2011/2012! MRS. CALLANAN Room 207 Literature and Language Arts
English 9 Strategic Class Welcome from Mrs. Callanan Explanation of Strategic
First Six Weeks Short Stories Focus on plot, character, setting, theme Grammar Compare and contrast essay Autobiographical essay
Second Six Weeks SSSShort Stories CCCComparing Themes PPPPersuasive Essay LLLLiterary Analysis MMMMythology
Weeks Mythology Continued The Epic The Odyssey Writing a response to literature Finals End of first semester
Second semester IIIInformational material CCCConsumer and workplace documents EEEEssay Persuading with Cause and Effect WWWWriting a Research Paper TTTThe House on Mango Street LLLLiterary Analysis
Second Semseter PPPPoetry Analysis WWWWriting their own Poetry DDDDrama: Tragedy RRRRomeo and Juliet EEEExpository Essay FFFFinals
Thank you for coming! I am looking forward to a great school year!