Virtual Resistance Line conditioner Block Diagram:
Converter Control
Experimental Results Prototype
Control Signals Control Signals
ac-ac converter voltage signals ac-ac converter voltage signals RectifierInverter
Operation with Load Transient Without Virtual Resistance Control LoopWith Virtual Resistance Control Loop 50% Load Transient
+20% transient in input voltage Vi(t): +20% transient in input voltage Vi(t): Operation with input Transient
-20% transient in input voltage Vi(t): -20% transient in input voltage Vi(t):. Operation with input Transient
THD correction: THD correction: Operation with input Transient
Nonlinear load Operation Nonlinear load Operation The greatest requirements in terms of dynamic response.
Experimental Results: The control strategy was efficient with instantaneous correction of the output voltage when faced with input voltage and load variations; Conclusions Capability of supplying an output voltage with low harmonic distortion; When presented with the worst case scenario, a nonlinear load, the conditioner studied was able to correct the THD to fit the required standards of 5% (IEEE519/92);
Conclusions A generalization of serial line conditioners was presented through 12 possible topologies; A control strategy was introduced to efficiently stabilize the output voltage of the studied structure;. Contributions: This work focused on the study of a serial line conditioner with an ac-ac indirect converter with direct link, fed by load side. The capacitive filter was positioned on the load side to make use of the line impedance as a multi-functional filter;
Conclusions Study of three-phase voltage line conditioners: Future works: - Space vector Modulation; - Digital Control and Nonlinear Control Techniques; - Study of Rectifier control techniques; - Study of combined series and shunt active power filters for simultaneous compensation of voltage and current; - Hybrid and Matrix Converters;
The End The End