The Odyssey An Introduction
Who was Homer? ► No one knows for sure who Homer was ► Greek storyteller credited with putting together the Iliad and the Odyssey. ► Iliad: story of the 10 year Trojan War caused by Paris and Helen ► Odyssey: story of Odysseus’ long and wayward return from the Trojan War
Rhapsodes Rhapsodes ► Homer was a model for a class of storytellers called rhapsodes ► Known as “singers of tales,” they were the historians and entertainers as well as myth-makers. ► None of these stories were written down. Each storyteller would have had to memorize the entire work and told it in such a way that it would be part performance. ► They did not memorize the story word for word but knew the basic story and improvised on the spot, following a basic rhythm of the words. ► There is a great deal of repetition in the stories, which makes it a bit simpler to tell.
Epics and Values ► Epics: a long narrative poem that tells of the adventures of heroes across great spans of time and place. The epic contains the ideas, morals, themes and values of a culture from which it is created. ► Iliad: An archetype of the war epic. Contains the morals and values of the Greek society in war. society in war. ► Odyssey: An archetype of the adventure epic. Seen as a metaphor for living one’s life Contains the morals, themes and values of the Greek society about adventure, hardship, and life.
Characteristics of an Epic ► Involves an epic question The opening lines of the poem that state the theme ► A physically impressive hero of national or historical importance ► A vast setting involving not only of the known world but also the underworld ► Action such as a quest or journey requiring superhuman ability and courage ► Evidence of supernatural forces
The Epic Hero The characteristics of an Epic Hero are: ► He possesses supernatural abilities or qualities. ► He is charged with a quest. ► He is tested, often to prove the worthiness of himself and his quest. ► He receives help by divine beings along the way.
The Epic Hero cont. ► He encounters numerous mythical beings, magical and helpful animals, and human helpers and companions. ► His travels take him to a supernatural world, often one that normal human beings are barred from entering.
The Epic Hero cont. ► He reaches a low point where he nearly gives up his quest or appears defeated. ► He gains restitution: this often takes the form of the hero regaining his rightful place.
Myths ► Stories that use fantasy to express ideas about life that cannot be expressed in realistic terms ► Considered religious because they are concerned with the relationship between human beings and the unknown or spiritual realm (gods/goddesses).
All About The Odyssey ► The Odyssey – Epic poem of a long journey. Greek audiences would have known the war story of the Iliad and been familiar with Odysseus as a hero from that story that came up with the idea that ended the war.
All About The Odyssey The Odyssey tells of the many adventures of Odysseus trying to sail home (Ithaca) after the Trojan War. The Odyssey tells of the many adventures of Odysseus trying to sail home (Ithaca) after the Trojan War.
All About The Odyssey ► It took 10 years for him to sail home. ► The main characters: 1. Odysseus (Ulysses): super- human hero from Ithaca. 2. Penelope: Odysseus’ wife 3. Telemachus (Tell-em-uh- kus): Odysseus’ son
All About The Odyssey ► Primary gods and goddesses in the epic: 1. Athena: goddess of wisdom 2. Poseidon: god of the sea 3. Zeus: king of the gods
Greek Values and Beliefs ► Greeks believed it was wrong for any man to have hubris (too much pride). ► The character of a man was very important: Important to have loyalty to home and family. Bravery was also important.
Greek Values and Beliefs Man was not master of his own destiny or fate, he was like a “pawn in a chess game.” But man could control how he reacted to the gods’ interfering or meddling (how someone reacted was an important character quality).
Literary Elements ► Two important Literary Devices used in “The Odyssey” ► Epic Simile: Comparison of two things using the words “like” or “as.” Usually more elaborate and may go on for many lines of the poem. Ex: "The attackers struck like eagles, crook-clawed, hook-beaked, swooping down from a mountain ridge to harry smaller birds” ► Epithets: Brief descriptive phrases that help characterize a specific person or thing. Ex: “Master Mariner” or “old contender” to describe Odysseus. “Winedark Sea” to describe the Ocean