Educators [Forum] TODAY’S AGENDA 9:30 amCooperative Education Today 10:00 amRegional Employer Forum Survey Results 10:30 amRefreshment Break 10:45 amReporting Timelines & Other Initiatives 11:00 amEducators Gap Identification Survey 11:20 amClosing Remarks
Cooperative Education [Today]
Cooperative Education [Today] DIVERSIFYING OPPORTUNITIES FOR LEARNING Changing the mindset! Traditional “one size fits all” schooling was designed for earlier times Given changing demographics, increasing diversity, and modern delivery technology, it is time to take a more responsive, diversified approach to program delivery
Cooperative Education [Today] DIVERSIFYING OPPORTUNITIES FOR LEARNING Changing the mindset! Traditional Coop placements were introduced for the academic learner – college or university bound Employers participating in cooperative education placements have come to expect this caliber student Focus on apprenticeship as the 3 rd pillar
CURRENT JOB ENVIRONMENT Only 1 in 4 would consider a career in the skilled trades 70% of parents promote college or university as a destination for their child 33% of students actually pursue post-secondary educations 17% high school students drop-out prior to graduation Cooperative Education [Today]
CURRENT JOB ENVIRONMENT Skilled trades play an important role in NWO’s economy Students and youth can “earn while they learn” Job prospects are good, 44% of jobs available are in the skilled trades and technologies Only 11% of today’s jobs require a university degree Cooperative Education [Today]
PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT REACTION Canada-Ontario Labour Market Agreement (Nov 2005) Reinvestment into technology departments/shops Introduction of Student Success, Literacy and Numeracy Strategies Coop Advantage – 2 compulsory credits Opening Doors – Web site Cooperative Education [Today]
PROVINCIAL/LOCAL BOARD INITIATIVES Regional School Boards and the NOEL Introduction of new guidance courses Skills Canada-Ontario affiliation Ontario Skills Passport The New Co-op Advantage Cooperative Education [Today]
PREPARING YOUTH FOR FUTURE JOB MARKET The Biggest Challenges Constant societal change today A rapid pace of change Globalization Values “The only certainty is uncertaintly”
Cooperative Education [Today] PREPARING YOUTH FOR FUTURE JOB MARKET The Biggest Challenges Demographic shifts Disadvantaged youth Gender issues Family life as an issue
Cooperative Education [Today] PREPARING YOUTH FOR FUTURE JOB MARKET The most valuable skills and abilities Responding to uncertainty Adaptability/flexibility Communication skills Multi-lingual skills
Cooperative Education [Today] PREPARING YOUTH FOR FUTURE JOB MARKET The most valuable skills and abilities Basic skills for technology Basic skills for information processing People skills Practical/basic life skills
Cooperative Education [Today] PREPARING YOUTH FOR FUTURE JOB MARKET Solutions to build a better future-pathways to change Need for effective partnerships/school-work transitions Solutions within education initiatives Building on family and community Other comments
Cooperative Education [Today] DIVERSIFYING OPPORTUNITIES FOR LEARNING Current challenges for program delivery are: Extending opportunities for rural and northern students Adapting to the increasing diverse needs of students Small student base, limited program offerings Preparing students for the workplace with essential skills
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