14 EU Directives on Products of Animal Origin Fresh meat Poultry meat Meat products Minced meat Milking hygiene Milk and milk products Egg products Rabbit meat and farmed game meat Game meat Fishery products Fishing vessels Live bivalve molluscs Gelatine, Frog’s Legs and Snails Trichina examination
EU DIRECTIVE ON NON-ANIMAL ORIGIN FOODS Council Directive 93/43 on the Hygiene of Foodstuffs
EU DIRECTIVES ON PRODUCTS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN Many Directives Inconsistent requirements Prescriptive
General hygiene Directive (93/43) New approach – less prescriptive –risk based HACCP requirement Provision for microbiological criteria and temperature controls Introduced guides to good hygiene practice
General Hygiene Directive (93/43) Covers ‘all stages’ of food chain Specific requirements for processing rooms Less onerous requirements for movable and temporary premises Requirement for food hygiene training of food handlers
REVIEW OF ALL EU FOOD HYGIENE DIRECTIVES Major review of both animal origin and non-animal origin directives Aim to bring earlier Directives into line with approach in 93/43 Aim to put all directives in one document Will be a Regulation (direct application in law of MS) not Directive Retain specific rules for products of animal origin; but consistent
REVIEW OF EU HYGIENE DIRECTIVES: KEY OUTSTANDING ISSUES exclude supply of small quantities by primary producers to final consumers and local shops or restaurants? extend HACCP requirement to primary producers? Whether to require approval of establishments? (large majority say no)