Generic Simulator for Users' Movements and Behavior in Collaborative Systems Academic advisor: Yuval Elovici Professional Advisor: Rami Puzis Lina Shlangman Alex Surguch, Niv Saar, Mattan Margalith, Gilad Ivry
Contents Background Motivation Problem Domain Solution System Architecture Deployment Architecture Running example Questions
Background Deutsche Telekom is in the process of developing a new cellular application, which enables information sharing and data collaboration amongst a community of users.
Background The application enables a user to send a location-driven query. Using a smart selection algorithm, the query is directed to a group of users in the specified location. The members of the group may reply or discard the query, and the appropriate replies are routed back to the user.
Example Is the mall in Azrieli Center crowded??? IT’S SABABA!!
Motivation In order to evaluate their new cellular application, Deutsche Telekom wishes to simulate the usage, profitability of the application, it’s spread and popularity for a customizable population and environment settings at a given time.
Problem Domain Large number of simulated users. Different user types (groups) that behave and use the application differently. Large number of parameters that will define the behavior of the scenario. Variety of possible user’s statistics collections. Enable generic algorithm swapping for all of the configured behaviors.
Solution Our solution is to build a generic simulator that will: enable the user to configure a wide range of parameters and settings, thus manipulating every aspect of the scenario. Run different scenarios, inject events and view the properties of different groups Gather, display and compare variant statistical data.
System Architecture DB Persistence Layer Controller Layer App. Server Controller Layer App. Server GUI
Deployment Architecture We will use 3 machines- Dedicated DB server, A main server to hold the backend data and a client side computer (on which the UI will be displayed). Data base designated machine Main server will run the simulation’s core and BlazeDs application server End-user machine to display Flex GUI
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