Dream Interpretation Theories Freud/Jung
Freud’s Freud listed certain distorting operations Condensation – one dream object stands for several associations and ideas; – "dreams are brief and mundane in comparison with the range and wealth of the dream-thoughts." Displacement – a dream object's emotional significance is separated from its real object or content and attached to an entirely different one that does not raise the censor's suspicions. Representation – a thought is translated to visual images. Symbolism – a symbol replaces an action, person, or idea.
Carl Jung Believed Freud's notion of dreams as representations of unfulfilled wishes to be simplistic and naïve – Need to account for the “dreamer” Archetypes = Each represents an unconscious attitude that is largely hidden to the conscious mind 2 approaches to dream symbols 1) Causal Approach = the symbol is reduced to certain fundamental tendencies 2) Final Approach = will tell you additional things about the dreamer's attitudes
Archetypes The Self, the regulating center of the psyche and facilitator of individuationSelfindividuation The Shadow, the opposite of the ego image, often containing qualities that the ego does not identify with but possesses nonethelessShadowego The Anima, the feminine image in a man's psyche; or:Anima The Animus, the masculine image in a woman's psycheAnimus The Persona, how we present ourselves to the world, isPersona – subpersonality, the complex' and usually protects the Ego from negative images (acts like a mask) Although archetypes can take on innumerable forms, there are a few particularly notable, recurring archetypal images:
More Archetypes The Child - innocenceChild The Hero - braveryHero The Great Mother - caretakerGreat Mother The Wise old man or Sage - wisdomWise old manSage The Wise Old Woman/Man,Wise Old Woman/Man The Trickster or Fox - deceiptTrickster The Devil or Satan - evilDevilSatan The Scarecrow - fearScarecrow The Mentor - GuidanceMentor
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