Interested in promoting strong families and healthy communities? Join Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America!
There are so many fun and exciting events/activities that you can experience throughout the year! The best part about it is that you can steer FCCLA in any direction you want! Students choose their projects!
Strong Families are the central focus of FCCLA! Family Fun Night was an event that the group loved!
Last December, FCCLA held a Clothing Drive! Students made arrangements for a POD to be set up in the Fraser High School parking lot. We collected gently used clothing items and donated them to a few different locations.
Students voted on and planned an end of the year trip. With the money fundraised throughout the year, FCCLA members decided to spend a day at Cedar Point!
FCCLA members organize all fundraisers… Last year, Candy Grams were sold before winter break and they were a nice treat for students/ teachers who wanted to show their appreciation for their friends in the building during the holidays!
Our Valentine Carnations were a big hit last year! FCCLA Members had opportunities to visit different classrooms during seminar and deliver nice surprises to our FHS students!
Individual or Small projects planned by students are always happening throughout the year! Last year, an FCCLA member made arrangements for a group of students to help gift wrap for kids with special needs during the holidays. With all of the extra hands, it was a fast process and the volunteers did a great job helping out in their community!
Relay for Life was a big event for FCCLA members last year and students raised over $1, for the American Cancer Society!
Students that attended the 24 walk “relay” said that it was an incredible event! One student reported that after going to the Relay for her first time, it was a life changing event and she will continue to go to the event every year!
Our Hand print fundraiser for the American Cancer Society and Rachel Kao was a student-led project from start to finish!
FCCLA members also spent the day with the Dooley Preschoolers for their “mini-relay”!
FCCLA members can also participate in competitive events!
There are a wide variety of other events! For example, there are many opportunities for those of you who like to cook and want to enter jr. chef competitions! It’s also a great way to win scholarships!
There’s more! You can make great friends when you join! It is an easy way to show that you are a well rounded student who likes to get involved in your school and community! You can include your leadership qualities on an application, resume, etc!
When you become a member.. You will receive a membership card. With the card, some local businesses have allowed members to receive discounts so you can save some $$$!!
We also vote on t-shirt designs for our group!
Don’t miss out on a great high school experience! It is open to all guys and girls! Join us at our next meeting :)
For more information, visit: and click on the FCCLA link!